Chapter 178-182

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Chapter 178: Raining

When the sky became bright, Zhao Lan woke up and saw her daughter sitting on the bed and stitching something . She busily asked: "What are you sewing?" She leaned over and saw her terrible stitches .

"How come your needlework looked like this? Aren't you good at this before?"

Bai Zhi smiled and said: "Before the room was not dark, I can see it clearly . "

Zhao Lan made simply a cry and took the cloth bag, that her daughter was stitching, then said: "I'll do it, you go and wash . "

Bai Zhi was lacking in understanding needlework, she was just in need of this cloth bag . So now that Zhao Lan was willing to help her, she didn't refuse her . Instead, she hurriedly follow her words, in fear of being question . Bai Zhi cheerfully washed her face . Outside, the rain didn't stop, she took an umbrella to go to the kitchen and make some breakfast . Additionally, she asked Hu Feng to prepare the carriage .

When Hu Changlin heard that she will go out, he busily asked: "Where are you going in this heavy rain? Can't you leave when the rain stop?"

Bai Zhi replied: "I am going to the government office to treat Meng Dage . Meng Dage's injury can't be delayed for too long . The sooner the treatment, the better the result will be in the future . "

Hu Changlin said: "So originally that was the case, then just be careful on the road . The road is usually slippery during rainy days . You still have to pass through the mountain road, so don't be careless . "

Bai Zhi quickly nodded her head: "Hu Bo, you can rest assured . I believe you know Hu Feng very well . He is always calm, so there's nothing to worry about . "

Hu Changlin also knows that was the case . Hu Feng, if you think about what's the problem with him, you can only think about his lack of interest to talk .

Bai Zhi simply cooked porridge and ate a few mouthfuls . Then, she hurriedly picked up the umbrella to call Zhao Lan . At this time, Zhao Lan had already finished stitching the bag . Her needlework looked much better than her own, her bag looked like a good quality of bags that can be found in the store .

Bai Zhi urged Zhao Lan to go to have breakfast . When her mother left, she closed the door of the cabin house and put all the things in the surgical kit into the bag . Bai Zhi originally only want to bring the things she needs . But to have a peace of mind, she just brought everything .

The carriage traveled under the rain . Bai Zhi was sitting inside the carriage, but she still failed to avoid her clothes from getting wet . Not to mention, the wind outside was very strong .

"Are you alright?" Bai Zhi went over to the carriage door and lifted up the curtain .

When Hu Feng saw Bai Zhi open the curtain, he frowned his eyebrows and used his body to block the wind and rain: "I'm fine, just go inside

Looking at his soaked back, Bai Zhi became speechless for a moment, but then silently went back inside .

God must be playing at them . When the carriage stopped in front of the government office, the rainstorm stopped . A beautiful rainbow showed up in the sky, and the sunlight brightly shine .

When the public servant saw the two of them, he didn't say anything and just lead them to Meng Nan's courtyard .

Jin Shiwei turned his head when he heard a sound and saw Hu Feng was soaking wet . and Bai Zhi, with a semi-dry and semi-wet appearance . He was so shocked: "You traveled under the rain?" The rain was so heavy just now .

Hu Feng took off his outer shirt and squeezed out the water . His slanted eyes swept over Jin Shiwei, as he said: "If it's not inconvenient, go and find a dress for her so that she won't catch a cold . If that happened, I'm afraid it will hinder your young master's treatment . "

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