“You two must be cold!” Grayson says as he hands us both one of his sweaters and a blanket. Ava’s lovey dovey gaze quickly disappears as she sees Grayson handing me his sweater. Did I already say it was a chilly evening? Well, the temperature dropped even further when Ava’s jealousy appeared. It’s innocent. At least for me. She knows I’d never make a move on her boyfriend. He could swing his girth-y protrusion in my face over and over again and I would not budge. But the thought of anyone else in this world feeling comfortable in a sweater that is his. Enjoying the smell he left in the fabric, that kills her. I know that. But does Grayson as well? Apparently not, because his focus quickly shifts from us to his clumsy brother. For a moment it makes me also look at Ethan again, who is expanding his vocabulary with curse words I’ve never heard of, ever. “Here..” I say as I grab Grayson’s arm and hand him back the sweater. I feel Ava silently breathing fire and I hope Grayson realises what is happening here. Again. Apparently not, because he looks at me with confusion in his eyes. “Aren’t you cold?” He asks me innocently. Oh, sweet boy. He needs to learn a lot, still. I decide to offer him a helping hand and make sure he’s gonna be able to put his girth-y protrusion to work tonight, when I say: “I am very cold. But I rather die of hypothermia than murder.” I emphasize the word murder and tilt my head subtly towards his girlfriend. That’s when he starts connecting the dots and quickly grabs the sweater from my hands. “Ah, yeah, die..” He mumbles distracted by his girlfriend as he squeezes his 6ft, broad shouldered body in between the two of us and sits down next to Ava. I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean it like that, unfortunately. Because I honestly wouldn’t mind. I’d rather die today than tomorrow. “Thanks, for your well wishes.” I dryly respond. But it’s like I’m talking to a wall. The two of them are completely absorbed by each other and start kissing sensually. Mind you, the boy is basically sitting on my lap. “I’m happy for them. I’m happy for them.” I whisper to myself as I try to convince myself why I’m okay with this. I let my body slide from the couch and end up on the deck of the porch. Neither of them turn around to check if I’m okay. Their lips are glued together and Grayson even gets comfortable, scooting over to where I just sat. Not even questioning where I went. If I went up in smoke, or disappeared in his thick ass. Great. I get up from the floor, as fast as my nausea and light-headedness allow me to and walk over to the edge of the porch. Ethan swapped the cursing out for grunting and is beyond belief still splitting wood in the most dangerous and inefficient way ever. I sit down on the porch steps and watch him getting his work out in. I promised Ava to join them at the bonfire tonight. But honestly, with the pace Ethan is chopping this wood I’m not expecting any bonfire soon. Besides that, no one seems to notice me, or acknowledge me anyway. I lean in against the railing of the porch steps and gaze into the distance. The crisp air is mixed with the scent of pine trees and Ethan’s cologne. The moon reflects on the calm water of the lake and the warm lighting coming from all the cabins around the lakefront creates this magical ambience. I’m never gonna admit this out loud, but I feel like it calms me down. Being here seems to calm all of us down.

Ava still receives dozens of calls a day about the houses she apparently bought but never paid for, about the business’ she apparently started that went bankrupt, about the state of her credit and bank account. But ever since she’s here, around Grayson, in nature, she stopped excessively picking her lip. She’s been sleeping better, been feeling better overall. Ethan also said he was feeling better ever since he arrived here. At least that’s what I heard him say when I was fake sleeping on the couch yesterday. I have no clue what was wrong with him or why he felt bad in the first place, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it had something to do with his manipulating and bitchy girlfriend, Cassandra. When I look at him going ham at that wood, I’m doubting his words. Doesn’t look like he’s feeling good, feeling better. It seems like he’s frustrated with more than just that wood.

I pull my legs in and rest my arms on my knees, my head on my arms. While curling up on the steps I tilt my head sideways to look at Ava and Grayson. How are they still making out? Not even coming up for air. Just going at it. They probably still haven’t noticed I’m not on that couch anymore. It’s needless to say Grayson feels calm here in the woods, in the cabin. With his new girlfriend by his side, in his bed, on his girth-y protrusion. This is his environment. His playground. Getting his hands dirty while splitting wood. Making fire. Climbing trees. Going on hikes. The man even grew a beard here. He’s one with nature.

Just as I’m slowly closing my eyes to block out their lips smacking together, I smell him. Closer. “Hey..” Ethan says in this soft low voice, catching my attention and I turn my head. He’s standing on the first step of the porch, looking at me. “Aren’t you cold?” He continues as he pulls his hoodie over his head, unintentionally taking off his beanie in the process. “Why do you care?” I lash out at him and the energy between us immediately changes when I speak those words. He makes his way up the steps and throws his hoodie in my lap as he walks past me. “I don’t!” He bites back as he disappears in the cabin without looking back.

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