Chapter 8: Dragon

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Missy and Brigit were having a tougher time of it as the slope of the road grew steeper. They could hear the dragon snoring. Missy could imagine herself, shooting the beast in the neck where the old woman had said its weak spot was. She pictured herself taking all the loot, and either killing Brigit or driving her off. Or maybe I'll start my own bandit clan and let her work for me. One thing Misty was sure of: the concept of sisterhood was over. Hunters killed. She had developed a taste for killing. Killers did not need companions.

They stopped, because Brigit's feet were tired, and she was thirsty.

"Let's stop on top of the hill, we'll see better." Misty said.

Brigit nodded. At the top of the hill, they could see the path sloping upwards again, reaching the rocky, vertical edge of the mountain. They could see the path leading towards the dragon's cave.

"WHAT is THIS?" Brigit said as she was getting her deerskin water sack out of the pack they'd taken from the men. She pulled out a necklace. Gold chain, decently sized ruby on the pendant, framed by a couple of moonstones.

"When were ye plannin' on telling me about this?" Brigit growled. She threw the necklace at Missy's head. Missy tried to catch it, but was too slow, and it landed in the dust.

Missy wasn't sure what to say. She wanted to make up a lie real quick, but she couldn't think of anything.

"We only agreed to split up the gold and the gear we needed for our mission." Missy knew she was wrong, but she had to say something to defend herself.

"We agreed to split up everything. Equally!" Brigit yelled.

Brigit punched Missy in the jaw.

Missy kicked up in retaliation, but missed Brigit. She dove for the necklace and grabbed it, but Brigit tackled her, and they ended up rolling backwards downhill, wrestling. There was biting, hair pulling, and cursing. Eventually, Brigit managed to get the necklace and kicked Missy off of her. She put the necklace on, posed like a warrior, and said, "Come an' take it, then!"

Missy backed down. "Fine." she said. "I should have told you about the necklace."

Brigit pinched her earlobe. "That doesn't sound like an apology."

"I'm sorry! Let go! Damn it!"

Missy sighed.

"Did they have any other fancy lil' pieces of jewelry I should know about? Huh?" Brigit demanded.

"No. You can search the bag." Missy said.

"I will."

But Missy was telling the truth, now. There was no more jewelry. She wasn't even quite sure why a group of four men had such a necklace. She suspected they had probably robbed a woman. Come to think of it, I think Jane had a necklace like that? A present from her da one time when he took a trip to the capital? Bitch was pretty proud of it, I think. 'Wowee, me dad's a scholar!' I'm glad I don't have to look at their dumb faces anymore.

These thoughts weren't true. People who lie to others also deceive themselves. She missed company. Maybe she didn't understand bookish Jane or snobby Emma that well, but she would like to see them all again some day. Even though they sometimes annoyed her. She missed Della most. Della was the only girl back home who hadn't put on snobby airs when talking to Missy. Who hadn't laughed at or talked down to her like she was a simpleton. Sure, me da ain't no official nor scholar, but he is smart. You gotta be smart to track deer.

They couldn't stay mad at each other for long. Brigit offered Missy her hand, and they helped each other climb the slope again. At least I still have one friend.

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