He looked in the mirror and smiled at himself. He thought he looked pretty and made a quick spin.

"Perfect" Luke said before grabbing his grey denim jacket and walking out his room.

As he walked down the stairs he felt his phone buzz.

From: unknown
-are you going to the party?

Luke gave a confused look before opening the chat.

-who is this?

From: unknown
-It's jason, from your math class !

-oh sorry I didn't know, hi! :-)

Luke quickly changed the contact name to Jason.

-hey, you want me to come pick you up so we can go together? I'm in the area anyways


-okay, I'll see you in 3 minutes !

-okay :-)

Luke's nostrilles filled with the smell of alchohol and weed as he stepped into Michael's party. He hated the smell, but it wasn't about that.

Luke wanted to have fun tonight. The last party he went to was Calum's birthday party. Which was two years ago.

He didn't mind it though, he had to study hard to pass all his classes. Besides that, his father was scared he would drink or use drugs.

Luke looked around and looked for Michael or Calum, but they were no where to be found. He had to search around.

He shuffeled trough the crowd off people to the otherside, which wasn't easy with his long legs and broad shoulders. He nervously chuckled and said 'sorry' everytime he accidently stepped on someone's toes.

He made it to the other side and sighed.

"Lucas" Luke heard and quickly got dragged along the hallway by Michael. He had a drink in one hand.

"Where are we going Mikey" Luke said softly as he got dragged into a closet?

"Just come with me" Michael said and groaned. "Okay" Luke said and obeyed.

"A question tho" Luke said as Michael closed the closet doors and locked them in.

"What?" Michael said and fixed his hair. "What-are we doing in a closet?" Luke asked and chuckled.

"Me and a few others were playing that stupid spin the bottle game and I got dared to..yeah" Michael said and cut himself of by taking a sip of his drink.

"To what?" Luke asked innocently as he gave Michael a confused look.

"To do 7 minutes in heaven with you.." Michael said and sighed. Luke instantly blushed "w-what, really?" Luke said and smiled a little.

Michael looked down at his drink "yeah, but we don't have to..they won't ever know anyways" Michael said.

"We're..in the closet" Michael said and sighed keeping his gaze on his drink.

"Anyways..so-" Michael said and finnaly looked down at Luke. Before Luke could say anything, Michael had bent down to kiss Luke on his lips.

Luke felt the butterflies in his stomach go crazy! He was so happy and he felt so secure. This is what he wanted, Michael's love and affection.

Michael putted his hands on Luke's hips before sliding his hands towards his ass.

Luke pulled away for a quick second. "M-Mikey..I've always wanted to-" Michael cutt him off by kissing him again. "I real-" Michael groaned "shut up Luke, don't ruin the moment" He said and pressed Luke against the closet door.

Luke nodded and felt his cheeks turn red. Michael leaned in to Luke's ear "good boy" he whispered, making Luke go crazy. Luke felt uterly excited.

"You like being praised, huh Lucas?" Michael said and smirked.

"I-" before Luke could respond to Michael. The door was being opened by the weak lock, making Luke fall to the floor and Michael right on top of him.

A whole crowd of people were watching them. Some of them not believing they had done it.

Luke smiled tho he was laying on the floor. He felt perfect.

The crowd cheered and Luke chuckled. Michael on the other hand stood up and rubbed the dust of his shirt.

"Well that sucked" Michael said and walked away from Luke. Not even asking if he was okay. Not looking at him..

Luke's glass and loveable heart then broke into miserable pieces.

His smile had faded and his eyes had became glossy. He was hurt..

Crush // mukeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin