Wolffe Chapter 1 Lillian

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Ouch! He slapped me. I hate my uncle. I've lived with him and my aunt since I was a little girl when my parents died. I don't know anything about my parents not even thier names. They were killed in a car crash when I was 2 months old, so the city authorites sent me to this rathole of a house where my "dear" aunt and uncle live. My uncle abuses me, and my aunt never gives me food. My cousin is as fat as a cow because she eats all the food that should go to me.

Well I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Lillian Wolffe. I'm 17 years old, and I don't have any friends because I don't talk to anyone at school. I have piercing electric blue eyes and waist length blonde hair.

"Oh Mary darling. Come here." my aunt said in her ugly nasaly voice. "It's time to eat." I could almost feel the floor vibrate as Mary or as I like to call her "It" ran by.

"Oh great." I mumbled quietly to myself as my aunt yelled, "GET DOWN HERE RAT!" she likes to call me rat because I have a bit of an overbite.

"Coming!" I yelled before mumbling, "witch." I wonder what she wants with me. She must not want me to have any food again tonight. My uncle must want some fun with his little punching bag. I guess I'll wear my hoodie again tomorrow, even though I always heal the next day around noon.

Surprise, Surprise, it's almost softball season and my uncle needs to practice his swing so he can coach his precious daughter's team again this year.

"Rat. Perfect timing. I need to see if my swing is good come out to the batting cage with me and you can have a treat." he said in his hoarse voice. Anyway by treat he means a bit of a dog treat. Great why did my parents have to die in that insane car wreck? I thought to myself. Well at least the dog treat is something to eat.

"Rat! Don't dodge my swings!" he said sternly, knocking me out of thought. Just then I felt my head get hit and I blacked out.

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