Start from the beginning

Odette moves Hopes hair behind her ear before answering, "You know we can't stay in one place for too long"

"Well we haven't been here that long" Hope says wanting to stay in this place for a longer time

"Two months is long for us," Odette says trying to be firm as she knew that so much change for her kids wasn't the best especially when they settled well in their new home

"Are they coming? The vampires" Hope asks with wide eyes

"No. But that is why we have to leave so we aren't here when they do come but we are going to take Uncle Elijah and Aunt Freya and Aunt Rebekah-"

"And uncle Kol," Hope says with a smile as to remind her mother

"And uncle Kol" Odette repeats with a light smile while shaking her head making Hope laugh, "What if I told you, real soon it would be time to wake them up?" 

"And then we will go get my dad?" Hope says with a smile that made her eyes light up

"And then we will go get your dad," Odette says agreeing with a smile "I promise, now let's go tell your brothers"

Hope stands up to hug her mother making Odette hug her back excited that not only were her and Hayley were finally so close but also that she knew how much sharing the news would mean to her kids


Hayley had gone upstairs to the attic while Odette sat in the living room with her three kids drawing. Odette had made it a thing for them to have family drawing time as it was something they can all do together instead of the kids drawing alone in their rooms.

So has the four sat on the floor with the coffee table covered in paper, crayons, and color pencils. Hayley was checking up on Elijah, who laid upstairs in his coffin just like the rest of the Mikaelson siblings.

The sound of a vehicle approaching is heard throughout the house making everyone look up from their drawings and towards the window. Having known the rules, Spencer, Hope, and Matthew all stay seated as their mom stands up ready to check who was outside their house.

"Is that her?" Hope asks her mom knowing that once Mary arrived at their house that Odette and Hayley would most likely be on their way to bring their family together

"Let me check," Odette says walking towards the door but turns back to look at her kids "Stay inside all of you. And no peeking"

Odette closes the door behind her and from the porch, she is able to see an old grey pick-up truck making its way into the white picket fenced house. The truck parks near the wooden garage outback, getting out of the parked truck is Mary who greets Odette with a smile

"Well, now, aren't you a sight?" Mary says as she closes the truck's door behind her

"You certain no one followed you?" Odette asks not wanting any small talk

"I've been avoiding trouble since well before you were born." Marry says with a smile taking a step towards the house, "Now, where's that little girl and little monsters?"

Odette doesn't move from her spot making Mary look at her, "Did you find it? Mary, please. After all this time, Hayley and I are this close to getting them back. We found a cure for Freya's poison, we got a witch to siphon Rebekah's hex-"

"So you're really gonna do it? Cure 'em and then wake 'em up? Did you ever stop to think, the kids might be better off without 'em?" Mary tells the hybrid her opinion of everything that she had been chasing for the past five years

✓ KILLER QUEEN² ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now