she returned to the park not even a few days later

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she returned to the park not even a few days later. practicing in the park was safer for everyone in her home. settling the school bag down on the bench, she looked around before seeing someone on the ground. hurrying over, she looked over the boy, "are you okay?" yukiko asked softly, helping the boy up. he wore a turquoise sweater with a star over his chest.

he whined, his eyes watering. his cheek was red and he cried softly.

"you're okay..."

"kacchan..." he cried, curling into a ball.

rubbing his back, she slowly helped him up and lead him back to the bench, pulling out a bandage yukiko kept on her person in case of emergencies. his knee was scratched, so she placed the bandage over the wound, "there. all better." sitting beside him, yukiko pulled out her sandwich containers, "here, have a slice." the child gently took the sandwich, eating slowly. "what's your name? my name is yukiko."

"izuku." he whispered, "you're the pretty girl who got kacchan in trouble the other day."

"kacchan? is that his nickname?" izuku nods, chewing the sandwich, "what's his actual name?"

"katsuki..." he took another bite. he must've been hungry, she thought.

"katsuki... did he hurt you?"

izuku shook his head gently, before nodding. "he pushed me."

"he pushed you? does he do that often?"

"no, kacchan is my friend." izuku finished the sandwich, looking down at his feet.

"friends don't hurt each other, izuku." she rubbed his back, "come on, let me take you home so your mom can clean up your wound." gently taking his hand, yukiko let him lead you off to his apartment complex, the same one she had lived in, "oh, izuku, i live here too! i live on the first floor." she smiled sweetly, "if you ever need anything, you can always find me on the first floor. we live in apartment 44!"

izuku nodded softly, still very shy as he entered his home silently.

smiling softly, she walked to the elevator and took it down to her floor. opening the door, yukiko peeked in, greeting her mother who sat at the table reading.

her mother worked from home as an online teacher for the students that couldn't leave their homes for their quirks. whether it be because of flames being emitted from their feet or because they looked like a lizard, yukiko's mother was the one they turned to.

yukiko's father wasn't in the picture. he left a few years before after, well, yukiko wasn't sure. her mother never went into detail about her father, and only mentioned that he would leave her origami crane's on her desk when they were in school — yukiko, at this point in life, believed that her father wasn't real, and that her mother had to be the most recent Virgin Mary.

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