Chapter 6

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Draco was on cloud nine. His absolutely perfect boyfriend had made the most delicious friggen pancakes he'd ever tasted. How could one person be so perfect, then make even more perfect pancakes? Draco kept asking Harry for the recipe, and Harry kept claiming "It's just the recipe on the bottle, Draco."

After Draco had sufficiently stuffed his face with pancakes, he'd realized it was a Saturday. Realization hit him like a bus: It was Saturday Black family lunch. "Uh, Harry? We have a predicament."

Harry came in to the living room, looking exasperated. "I told you, Draco, the blue remote is the telly, the gray one is the remote for the lamp." He explained.

"No, I forgot I'm having lunch with my family in half an hour!" Draco wailed.


Harry thought for a moment. Draco noted how adorable Harry looked when he chewed in his bottoms lip. No, you need to think straight for this lunch. Stop being so gay.

"I think you're about the same size as Cedric. I have some of Cedric's old suits." Harry announced after a moment.

Draco nodded and they went up the stairs. Harry began rifling through a box. "I... I don't know why I kept all of this, I just couldn't throw it out."

Draco nodded solemnly. Behind his neat and tidy appearance, he hoarded notebooks and journals like there were none left in the world. Half of them were empty, he just couldn't bear to ruin the clean pages.

Harry emerges from the box holding a clean, blue dress shirt and a pair of ironed gray slacks. Draco quickly thanked him and scurried off to the bathroom to change.

Draco changed and stepped out. He heard Harry's barely audibly breathing stop for a moment. It's weird, wearing your boyfriend's dead partners clothes (as it should be). "Harry?" Draco asked after Harry had been unresponsive for a few moment.

Harry snapped out of whatever he was in. "Sorry, you just looked really good. You'd better go to your lunch."

Draco kisses Harry in the cheek goodbye and drove to La Petit, the bakery his stepmother had chosen to traumatize this week. His stepmom was a complete psychopath. The only reason she was invited was because of Draco, who actually was descended from the House of Black. Since Draco was his stepson, she got and invitation. The people who attended the lunch were Great Aunt Walburga Black (who in their right mind names a child Walburga and doesn't expect her to become a witch who lives in a swamp and curses small children?), Narcissa Black (Draco's mother), Bellatrix Lestrange (Who often brought her boss/boyfriend and husband to these lunches. Gag.), his crazy stepmom and wonderful stepsister, Pansy, and himself.

Pansy was great, she didn't put up with her moms bullshit. She was one of Draco's closest (only) friends.

He arrived slightly later than expected and entered the restaurant, scanning for their table. Draco spotted Pansy waving him over from the back table where the Black family sat. They chattered and gossiped mindlessly over some dilemma only the wealthy could even start to understand. Pansy leaned over and whispered in his ear, "That's not your shirt. Who'd you get that from?"

"I'll explain later." He hissed back.

By now, Pansy had probably figured out Draco was gay. She wouldn't tell, though.

Draco ate his lunch politely and listened to the mindless chatter. His mother offered a small smile that said, 'Sorry, it's just the way it is.' She didn't particularly care for the lunches either, but she had no choice but to come to them. At the end of a brutal hour and a half, Draco chose to go on a walk with Pansy to clear his mind of the absolutely bland luncheon. "Are you going to tell me whose shirt that is?" Pansy smirked.

"Yes, I have a boyfriend. He had some... extra stuff he'd kept for no reason and loaned me a shirt because I'd slept over and didn't bring a change of clothes." Draco replied, rolling his eyes.

Pansy's face split into a malicious grin. "Slept over, or slept together?"

Draco scoffed and smacked her arm. "Slept over. Get your mind out of the gutter, Parkinson."

She snickered. "What's his name."

"Harry Potter." He sighed dreamily.

Pansy fake gagged. "So lovey dovey." She pulled out her phone to check a text notification. "Does your father have a clue?"

"Unfortunately. I came home late last night and he was there." He gulped. He'd somewhat suppressed the memory of last night. "He, um, told me I'm to be engaged to Astoria Greengrass."

Pansy stopped cold, gaping up at him. "Astoria? I've talked to bread with more personality than her!"

"Yeah, well, she's rich, pretty, and a woman. And now I have to marry her because 'Poor ickle Astoria can't find a husband and you are single.'" Draco mimicked.

Pansy laughed loudly as they walked back to Draco's car. Pansy waved goodbye and Draco got in the car and drove to Harry's flat. He unlocked the door with the shiny brass key Harry had given him that morning.  Draco loved holding the key, it felt so official now, like he'd become part of Harry's life. When he walked in, he heard laughing. Draco ventures into the living room to see Harry having a conversation with the people from the picture on the wall. "Uh, Hey, is now a bad time?" Draco asked timidly.

Harry beamed and gestured to the open spot on the couch. "Of course not! Come sit down." Draco sat and gave an awkward smile to the very pregnant lady in the chair across from him. "This is Ron and Hermione, my best friends!" Harry introduced.

Hermione waved and Ron smiled widely. "So you're the one Harry wouldn't shut up about over the phone." He unceremoniously announced.

Harry went scarlet and Hermione snorted. "Lovely to meet you Draco." She greeted politely. "How did you two meet again?"

"It was raining, so I ran into the nearest bookshop, Phoenix. And... yeah it was actually kinda lame." Draco explained, which caused Ron to burst out laughing.

"Mate, you've got yourself a keeper." Ron grinned.

Draco smiled at Harry, and Harry smiled back. It was clear Harry's friends approved.

A.N.: Sorry My updates are irregular, don't expect them to ever have a schedule... I just joined 8 clubs at school so bear with me on this. Thanks as always Lovelies!


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