Chapter 3

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Draco Malfoy came from a good, wealthy, Christian family. He was expected to be a good, Christian son, to marry a girl from another wealthy Christian family, and have some good Christian kids.

It wasn't that he didn't like religion, he considered himself a decent Christian. He went to church, did communion, and he believed in God. He did, however, disagree with several of the things written in the Bible. One of which, was not being gay. Unfortunately for Draco, his family went along with everything in the Bible, including no gays.

Of course, they claimed to follow every of the Bible's instructions, except the ones that said they were in the wrong. His father divorced his mother when he was seven (no divorces), his father had a hidden tattoo he'd gotten in a night of drunken youth (no tattoos or piercings), and he most certainly wore mixed fabrics and dyed clothing (Draco didn't understand God's dislike of mixed fabrics. If it was mixed patterns, Draco could understand that perfectly, they looked atrocious.).

Being gay was not part of the path his father laid out for him. But then, he could always break away from his fathers life plan for him. He could sell the business, perhaps to one of his cousins who'd much rather have it, and he could marry someone he loved. Preferably, Harry Potter.

Of whom he was going to pick up for a date. He walked into Phoenix books with the bright chime of the bell over the door and quickly scanned for Harry. He was standing on a ladder, attempting to shelve some new books. It was somewhat amusing, as Harry stood at a very unthreatening one and a half meters, and was struggling to reach the top shelf, even with a ladder.

Harry reaches out a little farther to shelve the final book when the ladder shifted and began to tip. Harry let out a cry as he was thrown backwards into a pair of very muscular arms.

"Try not to get yourself killed before our date, alright?"

Harry blushed crimson and scrambled out of Draco's arms. "Sorry! We just got these new books in, and they always go on the top shelf, and we don't have any taller ladders, and-" He was cut off by Draco giving him a small peck on the lips.

"It's okay, just be careful next time." Draco replied smoothly.

Harry was frozen by those piercing storm grey eyes. He'd never seen such eyes before, and they were absolutely captivating. "Shall we go?" Draco gestured towards to door.

Harry nodded quickly and grabbed the blazer he'd brought with him to work that day as they stepped out into the drizzling evening. "So, what's the update on your business?" Harry tried to make conversation.

"I'm going to sell it to one of my cousins, and live off the cash until I get a stable job."

"Do you have your own flat?"

"Er, yeah. But I don't really want to stay there, I only lived there because my father picked it out."

"You could stay at my flat." It appeared the gravity of Harry's words hit him. "I meant as a roommate! If-If you'd like that..."

Draco grinned. "I'd love to live with you, but maybe as a little more than a roommate."

A pink blush spread across Harry's cheeks. "We're here." Draco said.

The couple stood outside a quiet yet fancy looking café. Draco offered his arm to Harry and Harry glad took it as they walked in together. They sat down at a table for two and ordered their dinner while they watched the rain outside and conversed. Eventually the conversation got to "So what does your family think of you being gay, Draco?"

Draco was slightly taken aback, but he'd been expecting this at some point. "They don't know. Never will if I have my way."

Harry gasped slightly. "But they're your family!"

"Tsk. My family wants me to be their perfect son, but clearly, I'm not that. They won't accept me, so I don't have to tell them anything." Draco scoffed.

Harry looked sympathetic. "That's horrible! Why wouldn't they accept you."

"Because they're horrible bigots, that's why. What about your family?"

"They were a little surprised, but they were glad I came out to them."

Draco felt a pang of jealousy. His family would never do that, he was already getting on their nerves with this talk of selling the business. "They sound wonderful." Draco said plainly.

Harry smiled down at the table. "They are wonderful, the biggest, happiest family I ever met."

They ate their dinner with no more talk of the Malfoy family. Afterwards, Draco walked Harry home again. This time, the rain didn't come pouring down, and so Draco walked once again to the parking garage, then drove home.

As he flopped on the oversized bed in his bedroom, he couldn't stop thinking about how much he wanted Harry. He had never believed in true love, and yet here he was, third day of knowing the man, and he was in love with him. At first, he was worried it was wrong to want someone after only knowing them for so little time, perhaps it was just lust pulling his heartstrings. And yet here he was, after two dates and one awkward rainy bookshop meeting, wanting so much more.

Perhaps there was something drawing him to Harry. Kismet? Fate? Luck?

He didn't believe in such things as soul mates, he believed in the facts, the numbers. Right now, though, the only numbers he had were two dates and one awkward rainy day bookshop meeting. But those number were enough to satisfy him for now. Simple math, him plus Harry equaled happiness. And Draco no longer worried about what his father would do, or what the public would say. He only wanted Harry's opinion, it was the only one to matter to Draco.

Perhaps Draco was just immensely lucky to meet a pretty, young bookstore clerk. Or perhaps something else pushed him into that shop on that rainy London afternoon.

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