Wanted Poster - Final Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Ugh don't come to me if the song get to dark for you." With that she walked away as she started singing the lyrics to the song. Law  had an dark smirk on his face. Nami was shocked by the song herself as she reached over to turn off the ipod Luffy grabs her hand he had lust in his eyes for whatever reason. It's wasn't lust for Nami it's was for Sora. "Bless me, Undress me Pick your pray in wicked way God I must Confess... I do envy the sinners" She singed out that one part of the song. Luffy walked over to Sora then wrapped his rubber arms around her before pulling her into an deep kiss. "L-Luffy?!" She knew that song wasn't right one for him! she knew this would happen she felt another pair of lips on her neck she notices it's was Law who sneak up behind her. "Not you too!" She mutter through the kiss between her and Luffy.

As Luffy glared at Law before pulling Sora away from him she lost her footing she ended up on top of Luffy. She felt something in his pants that was hard her face flushed red again. Same with Luffy's face. "L-Luffy!" She rolled off of him only get pined to the ground by him. He started kissing her neck this lust was over taken him before he can reach her chest area Usopp and Zoro had to pulled their captain off of her. "Luffy that enough! What gotten into you?!" Zoro snapped at him. Usopp stared down at Sora who had fear on her face she stood up then ran off inside the cabin of the ship. Sanji notices Sora running passed the kitchen he blinked what was going on now? "Sora-swan!" He chased after her he grabs hold of her only feel tears hitting his hand. "Sora?" He turned her around only see her top half down not knowing her boobs but enough to be seen. "What happen?" He was trying not have nosebleed.

"It's Luffy.. He wanted listen to an song that was too much for him. He went lust on me." She explained with an blush Sanji wasn't happy that baka captain! "LUFFY!" Sanji came running out of the cabin only see Zoro and Usopp trying to pull the lust filled Captain from running after Sora. "YOU DON'T TREAT AN LADY LIKE THAT!" Sanji kicked his captain down on the ground. Nami went after Sora who was crying in the hallway she grabs hold of her then pulled her into an sister hug. "It's going be alright. Luffy is a baka.. I try to stop him he too stubborn to listen" Sora gripped on Nami she dose have feelings for Luffy she did not want him to rape her! "There there.. It's alright." Nami did not think their captain would act like that.

"I-I know..." She said in between her tears maybe this was mistake to return here after all but again she did make an promise she never return to her world after throwing that crystal in the sea. "Baka captain.." Sanji returned to the hallway to see Nami with Sora. "I'll make you something." With that he heads into the kitchen to make some food for Sora. "I'm going take a bath.. Can you watch for me?" She asked Nami. "Yes I'll Sora." With that she heads away from Nami going to her room as she grabs her fresh clothes and towel as she heads to the Sunny's bathhouse. She close the door behind her as she placed her clothes on the counter and her towel near by she removed her clothes there was some marks on her neck where Luffy left his mark on her. She touched the dark marks on her neck. "I never seen that part of him before.. I followed the story and anime.. He never acted like that before..." She said to herself.

She knew Luffy was childish and happy go luck person who cares about his crew and love his meat. But loving an girl? that was different even for her she walked over to the bath as she walked into the hot water the smoothing feeling of the water was great as she sink into the water. Sudden she hear the door open. "I'm using the bathhouse!" She shouted at the person who was coming in she thought Nami pose been watching. She really did not want show the marks on her neck to who ever was in here she pulled herself into the water as her head was floating in the water. "Sky-chan" That was Robin's voice she notices Robin walking into the water also. "Nami  asked me to watch over you.." She explained before joining her as Chopper joined in the bath himself. "Yeah I wanted to help also!" Chopper swim over to Sora before hugging the little reindeer. "You guys." She give an warm smile. Robin notices the dark marks on her neck she sighed their captain gotten to her.


After twenty minutes they all gotten out of the bathhouse dressed. "Oh Sanji said you can go to the dinning area when you're ready." Robin said carrying Chopper with her. Sora smiled as she  heads off to the dinning area as there was an large plate of food. "Sora-Swan!" Sanji greeted her with an smile. "Eat up my love." As she walked over to the table as she started eating her food the scent of food dragged everyone inside the dinning area Sanji made lunch for everyone also. Sora ate her food as Nami and Robin sat between her. Luffy came in after hour what happen he did not remember what happen he just black out. Zoro and Usopp told him what happen. He lower his hat over his eyes he can't bear to see Sora right now until he tripped over an chair. Sora started laughing. "Captain. You can't see with your hat over your face." She can't stay scare him or even angry with him for ever also. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry Sora!" He did not mean to do those things.

"No more music like that alright?" She told him before standing up as she help him up. "Okay!" He ran over to the table as he started grabbing meat. Sora shake her head at least he back to normal for now. As Sanji made her topical drink for her. "Here Sora!" He handed her an glass. "Thanks Sanji!" As she left the kitchen letting the crew eat as she sat down on the bench that was part of the mass she slipped her drink that Sanji made her. Then sudden white fluffy hat was placed on her head. "Law?" she asked before staring at him. "Feeling better?" He asked before sitting down next to her. "Yeah as long Luffy don't play that song again. Same with you!" She teased with an smirk he was smirking back at her. He pulled her into his lap with his arms around her. "Don't worried about me." He buried his face into her neck as he notices the love bites that Luffy give her. "He really got you." He placed his finger on them causing Sora to smack his hand in playful way. "No touchie." She teased Law grin before kissed her cheek. After while she fallen asleep on Law's shoulder.

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