Chapter 6

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The picture on cover explanation: uhhhh I was bored and I wanted to draw a Connor boi blushing happily. Y'know deviant and all. I am sorry. ;-;
I also keep forgetting to shoutout a few friends, their stories are great! Kittypudding and Deviant_SA200, you are welcome. You guys have amazing stories that don't get enough love. <3

Ok back to the story now. UwU

------Y/n's POV------

He looks in awe and in confusion. "Y-yeah, I... I am dating Connor. We've been dating for a long while now, in secret... You can't tell anyone though, you hear me? Anyone!" Y/n stutters, pushing out the embarrassment of the phrase. Conan/Nines and Gavin nod.

I will probably be switching between Conan and Nines for rk900 for the rest of the time, cuz I'm an indecisive bitch.

We get there and Connor is hesitant to get out, but does. I also get out of the car. I look in the car, through the tinted windows in back, I can see Nines lean over and kiss Gavin on the cheek. Gavin reluctantly gets out after gushing and melting under Conan's touch. I smirk after he closes my car.

"Oh no, don't you dare-!" He tries to stop me from teasing him in the middle of a crime scene, but I do anyway. "OOOOOOOOOO! Gavin Reed has a boyfriend, huh?" I say, a little too loud.

He blushes a deep red and looks away. He mumbles something and then thinks it over. Connor grabs my hand and kisses me quickly. My face is swept with the heat of thirium in my cheeks, making them a dark and deep blue.

We get on with the case and I catch Gavin looking goo-goo eyes at Conan's "smoulder," as he would say. I elbow him and he pays attention again, instead of drooling over his boyfriend. "Ehem, Gavin... are you a bit... sidetracked?" Connor teased him, whispering. Pointing shortly at his younger brother.

Gavin flushed a pinkish red and covered his face. Connor smirked and went off to analyze the liquids. Yeah, that makes sense. Fuck I almost typed River, again. I watched and swept the scene, looking at anybody or anything that may be suspected. I find a few, but they don't match the description perfectly. I rake my fingers through my soft hair.

Connor calls us all in for discussion. "What I found, is there were multiple victims, all around the same time. Some of the samples were mixed with thir-blue blood. Also, there was one model, TH300." Connor says. Once he finishes, he motions for Conan, Gavin, then me to go.

Once we all finish, it all comes to me. "How would there be blue blood traces of this was done about 18 days ago? It would all be dried up and invisible to the naked eye! That means the android and a few humans are still up there somewhere!" I say, starting to walk at a fast pace, everyone trying to follow where I am going and what I'm saying.

We catch the suspected deviant and go back to the DPD for interrogation. Connor volunteered to go first, so we let him since he did so great those other times. Connor got a little bit of information from it, but it wouldn't spew any more. I went in to pressure it, even further than Connor did.

(Time skip because I said so uwuwuwuuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuw)

After all that, Fowler slaps paperwork into Gavin's desk, as he has been taking off surprisingly. Every chance he could get out early before a case came in, he left. So it left him with filling out the paperwork for all the cases that came in that he left Conan, Connor, and I, three, well two and a half deviant androids, to do. He was the only one that could do them, with help.

I told Conan to pity him little, but he said, "I will do anything for my... uh..." He stumbled on his words. Your what, Conan? I wanted to ask him. But alas, I said nothing. "My uh... Boyfriend..." He mumbled. Gavin perked at the way he said it. They both blush. Nines goes to help Gavin, awkwardly. I smirk.

I decide to go make tea. I look in the fridge, but there is not enough milk to make two chai lattes so, I make Connor a chai latte and me a regular tea. I think I should make Nines and Gavin coffee, as they have a lot of work to write and file.

I come back to them with a drink carrier. I have Nines and Gavin their coffees, and I give Connor his chai latte. Gavin takes a sip but then tries not to spit it on the monitor, it's so hot. "I was about to warn you about that. It's freshly made coffee, so be careful. It's hot." I tell him. He glares at me but then swallows it and smiles, seeing how kind of a gesture, it's the way he likes his coffee, darkest roast and burning hot.

Ew, no, we aren't catching feelings. That's gross. I would never date him. Plus, I have own precious smol bean. Connor smirks and swipes through the files and articles.I take a sip of my tea and over Connor's shoulder, reading the articles as well. All three of them are hard at work, I feel a little useless until we get a report.

"Let's go, team, we just got a report in," I said, taking another drink of my tea,  rushing to the car.

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