The kids

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-Fukase's POV-

It was like, 8:09 AM in the morn', M'lady went out to pick up a parcel, so it was just me, Piko, Oliver and Len.

I got kinda bored of watching Piko watch Rick and Morty, so i went to clean up the guest room. Nobody has been in there since Rin and Len moved out, and we never knew what we could find in there. 

I gently opened the door, but, instead of seeing and empty room full of posters and pillows, i saw people. There was a girl with short red hair like mine that was on her laptop, probably on tumblr or reddit, an older looking girl on her phone, texting someone, and a boy with curly short hair that had a black and white highlight happily scribbling in a notebook.  At first i thought the house was haunted. Then i considered that they broke into the house, and then realised that maybe they were new vocaloids, and Crypton just shoved them in temporarily? 

"...Yo, Piko, whose kids are these??" i asked.

"Kids? What the hell are you talking about?" Piko answered from the other side of the house.


I just.. stood there in the door, until the curly haired kid saw me and said:

"oH hey!!!"

"Uhh.." i just muttered in response.

"you gonna say something or what?" the short haired girl buzzed.

"Uhm, yeah, why are you here?" 

"It's our spawn point!!" Snickered the curly haired kid.

"well, our stupid cReAtOr told us to go here" The short haired infant replied.

Oh. So my assumption was correct. Plot twist! it wasnt

"Yeaaah UTAU is for broke weebs. Vocaloid is where its at" The oldest remarked. Bitch.

"So you're from UTAU?"


"What are your names?" i asked, completely ignoring what the bitch in lilac just said.

They all replied real fuckin fast so that i barley could hear.

"Daika!" exclaimed the sans kinnie, almost making an nwn face.


"gaila." Murmered the one probably playing ponytown.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2019 ⏰

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