People Don't Change

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POV- Elijah
7:00 pm

I arrived at the restaurant right on time, and it wasn't two minutes before she walked in.

"H-Han-?" I ask wondering if I'm even looking at the right person. Plastic surgery has not done her well. I mean looks aren't everything, but women's lips aren't supposed to be the size of their foreheads.

"Elijah!!" she squeals running over to me.

"Uhh, I guess it's really you then," I say sounding somewhat disgusted.

"Aw, 'lijah don't like my new look?" she asks with a sarcastic voice.

Why did I ever think this was a good idea?! Oh right, because my only chance at love will never feel the same.

I brush off her question and go to request a table.

We get seated next to a window, so I use it as an advantage to make as little eye contact as possible.

Her torso length hair was still so beautifully brunette. That much hadn't changed, but my word, her face wasn't even remotely the same. I guess I'll just see if she has the same personality.

It was complete silence expect for her phone buzzing, and the sound of her nails hitting her phone as she scrolls.

She won't even talk to me.

This is awkward. Really awkward.

What was I even thinking?! This is a mistake.

POV- Chloe
7:25 pm

I walk out of the spare parts room almost expecting to see Elijah. However, I don't see any sign of him. I quickly scan the house for heat signatures but to no avail. I spot a note on the coffee table, and quickly walk over to examine it.


I'm leaving for my date and I can't find you so here's this. The earlier I come back the worse it went, so uhh just be aware. Also, thanks for putting my suit out, and I'm sorry for earlier.*~

From my previous encounters with this Hanna girl my system made a prediction of the dates success rate.

//%15 success rate predicted//

Then I heard the phone ringing.

Oh no.

POV- Elijah
7:20 pm

"How's the fashion business going?" I ask trying to start a conversation for the seventh time, and break this awkwardly unbearable silence.

"Ugh- same old Elijah, aren't you," she remarks hideously smacking on a fresh piece of gum.

I look at her slightly offended. I cough before starting my next statement, "Uhm.. excuse me."

"You're always sooo boring, when do we get to have fun," she winks.

I look at her with disbelief in my eyes, " That's all you want from me." I scoff, "I'm guessing you're the same Hanna I left.. people don't change."

She looks at me like I just beheaded myself in front of her, but she doesn't dare open her mouth.

"I'm done here," I say slamming some cash on the table.

I nod to the hostess on my way out, "Sorry for wasting your time.. I left some cash on the table, make sure she doesn't take it."

I get into my car and call the only person I want to talk to right now.

"Chloe, uh hey, pick out a movie.. I'm headed home."

POV- Chloe
7:30 pm

I picked out one of Elijah's favorite movies and waited for him to arrive.

I started searching for 'ways to comfort someone.'

-Five minutes later-

I heard him walk in. I stay sitting on the couch silent trying not to do anything that might upset him more.

"Chloe?" he calls out.

"I'm here," I say making eye contact with him as he walks around the corner.

Woah. I didn't get to see him before he left, and let's just say he doesn't look bad. No, he doesn't look bad at all.

*Software Instability*


He looked visibly upset though, so I motioned for him to sit beside me.

"Elijah I-" I try to apologize for his presumably awful date.

"Don't, I made a stupid decision because I felt lonely," he says in a reassuringly sad tone.

I nod to him and turn on the movie.

-Thirty minutes later-

I see him fidgeting in my peripheral vision.

My system uses the most recommended course of action from my recent searches.

It seems a bit odd, like something a significant pair would do, but I decide to try it anyway.

I scoot closer to Elijah, and lie my head on his shoulder.

His heart rate increases. "C-Chloe??" he asks starting to pull away.

"Calm down you big goof I'm trying to comfort you," I say laughing.

"Oh-Oh okay.." he says, his cheeks now a bright pink.

I wrap my arms around him and go into low power mode.

This is all for his well-being right.

POV- Elijah
9:15 pm

She's been lying on me for an hour now. Her arms loosely wrapped around my stomach.

I can't deny how beautiful she is, and the fact that she always tries to help even when I've been rude. I've tried everything to make her become deviant, but it just never works. I can't even give her the opportunity to fall in love with me, and that makes me hate myself even more.

I lie down from my siting position.

I move her hands so they aren't under me, and I position her head to lay on my chest. She looks so beautiful just lying here.

I don't bother changing from my suit before drifting off to sleep. After all, I couldn't just move her.

If only this wasn't her programmings idea, I think while wrapping my arms around her.

~Should I keep posting this story?~

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