"I'm doing the group numbers, I didn't get a partner this year, but maybe next year." Neil particularly enjoyed being a solely group dancer, not as much pressure. Although a small part of him was desperate for a partner, maybe one day.

"Maybe. Mama, can I go and see Uncle Kevin? Please?" she gave a pout and puppy dog eyes. Dianne nodded, caving in to the adorable look on her face. "Yay! Neil, can you take me?"

Once Neil had taken the girl to see her Uncle Kevin, they both sighed, their first moment alone since seven this morning, even with how much they adored Emelia. "Shall we go through the dance, while we wait?"

Dianne nodded, grinning. "Someones an eager beaver today." Joe rolled his eyes and walked over to their makeshift log, sitting on it.

"I just want to get it right, because I know how much it means to you." Once she reached him she pecked his cheek, getting into the zone.

"You're cute, and thank you, as long as you try your hardest. Right, ready?" He nodded, making sure his posture was all in check and he was also focused.

"Ready." He took a deep breath, hearing the first notes of the music.

"Why are there so many, songs about rainbows, and what's on the other side..."

"The lovers, the dreamers...and me." The song finished, the two in their finishing positions and content with the run they had, yes there were a few flaws but it was well on its way to being a great routine.

"That was good. Just work on your left shoulder and it'll be good to go more or less, yeah." He nodded, annoyed that he could never get that left shoulder down, something that he knew he would definitely have to work on moving forward in the competition.

They got up, walking across the space before they heard a knock on the door, knowing it was Zoe. Joe immediately saw Dianne tense up, nerves hitting her like shards of glass so he instinctively reached out for her hand, taking it in his and squeezing it gently. She gave him a weak smile, walking a little closer to him.

"Hey guys, hey Joe." Zoe walked over to them, Dianne feeling the same feeling when she was around Stacey, not awkward and just genuine, a down to earth vibe that she loved. She was still a little nervous, but it did put her at ease a bit. Joe placed a hand over her back, trying to comfort her when words weren't exactly an option. She eased a little more under his touch while taking in the brunette, who looked amazing for someone who had gotten up extra early and had a long drive.

"Hey Zoe, this is Dianne, Dianne this is Zoe, my sister." The two women briefly hugged, Dianne now not nervous at all. Joe's support and Zoe's confidence combined to ease her completely, both Suggs having the same effect in their own little ways.

"Hey Di, I still can't believe you taught this one." she gave a little nudge at Joe. "To dance, considering he had two left feet before I'd say you're a miracle worker." Joe scowled at her for a mere second before chuckling along with Dianne.

"Thank you, and he's honestly picked it up so quickly. Obviously your guys' nan danced, did anyone else in the family?"

"I'm not too sure to be honest, but Phillis did. She went to Blackpool, she's been banging on about it ever since Strictly started, the memories."

Joe and Dianne both smiled sweetly. "Maybe if we get there we can see if there's any pictures of her, you never know." Dianne suggested, Joe's eyes going wide.

"Can you imagine, just walking around and seeing a picture of my nan, how crazy would that be." They gave a murmur of agreement, the doors swinging open and a hyper Emelia entering, grinning when she saw Zoe.

"Oh and this is Emelia, my daughter of five years and five only, not fifteen." Joe and Zoe both laughed, Zoe hugging the adorable child briefly. "Say hello to Zoe angel."

"Hello Zoe, you're very pretty and I'm very excited to meet you." Zoe pouted a little at the two who both smiled but chuckled.

"When she says excited, she means excited. She came in at seven am, bouncing in." Joe added, Dianne's eyes widening at the thought of it, Zoe chuckling and looking down at Emelia.

"Oh you must have been excited, you excited to see mama and Joe dance?" She nodded, fiddling with her fingers a little.

"Yep. They dance around the house, all the time, practice very hard so I hope they do very well, and that Craig isn't mean." Zoe held back a fit of laughter, this kid was truly something else as Zoe had now found out.

"I hope he's not either. Who's your favourite judge?" She thought for a moment.

"Darcy, because she's a pretty ballerina and does all the leaps and turns." Zoe grinned, turning her attention to the duo.

"Guys? Favourite judges?"

"Bruno, he's hilarious honestly, apparently he flies out every Sunday night to film dancing with the stars!" Zoe raised her eyebrows. "I can bet you a fiver he's going to say Shirls, bet." Joe shook his head.

"But she's so lovely, lets be honest here. Gives good feedback." Zoe nodded, agreeing. Shirley was like the opposite of Craig, normally giving positives. "But yeah, Shirley."

"Shirley Whirley." They all burst out laughing at Emelia's comment, Zoe knowing that she would have plenty of stories to tell Alfie when she got back to Brighton. 

When Zoe was watching the two of them dance that day, she had picked up on how they had looked at each other, it was hard not too when walking around with heart eyes seemed like an understatement. As they moved around the floor together, seeing them make that magic eye contact for the first time made Zoe feel warmth resignate throughout her entire body.

She had seen Joe in his happiest times, weather it be getting it double Take Death Star for Christmas in their childhood or landing his kickflip on his skateboard after failing many a time. She had witnessed him winning awards, plaques, holding his own original book for the first time, each one of the three in the username series. But nothing compared to the way he looked at Dianne, the love in his eyes was unmistakable, irreplaceable and unconditional. And Zoe was in a happy place knowing that she looked and felt the same way towards him.

Even more touching for Zoe, he wasn't just welcoming a beautiful girlfriend into his life, a girl who she could already see becoming his wife even after knowing her a few short hours. You know what they say, if you know you know, and Zoe knew. He was also welcoming an adorable, fun, smart, sometimes sassy and overall incredible five year old into his life, something that Zoe hadn't envisioned him doing but wouldn't change it for the world. Emelia and Dianne clearly made him the happiest man alive, and he clearly made them feel like the luckiest girls in the world.

Needless to say, Zoe was very excited for the future, for their future, for she knew that her brother had truly discovered what love was, even if it had taken him time.

It was definitely worth the wait.

"Hello?" Joe chuckled, having just run the dance. Zoe had seemed as though she were in some sort of trance, extremely deep in thought. Dianne was now doing her bit for the VT, talking to the camera with so much ease and distinctly in her element. Zoe flinched, smiling uncontrollably.

"Someones smiley." Zoe nodded, seeing Joe sit next to her and put his hands in his lap, stare at a spot on the wall.

"It's just, so nice. Seeing you this happy with someone, to finally have found love, it's good to know as a big sister." Joe smiled, a little shy.

"Yeah." He ran a hand through his now quite long hair, something he always did when he was nervous. "I didn't expect to fall for my dance partner going into this." She sensed a 'but.' She squinted her eyes slightly, smiling at the entire thing.


"But that was before I met Dianne, I mean," he turned to her, smiling softly as he said the words that made Zoe feel complete as a sister, and all warm and fuzzy inside.

"How could I not fall her her."

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