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present day

Ashton recovered and went in the other direction, the way he was supposed to have gone, to find the bathroom. As he finished his business, he couldn't help but think that he imagined what he saw, that he was making the whole thing up. He walked out of the bathroom and saw Stevie's fiancé coming down the hall.

"Ashton right?" he asked. His checkered shirt was a bit untucked, confirming to Ashton that he hadn't been imagining things.

"Uh, yeah," he nodded and hurried past him to the stairs. Ashton couldn't look at him without wanting to scream in his face.

Walking out into the backyard, Ashton saw Stevie standing next to a tree. She looked beautiful as ever, completely oblivious to the fact that Aaron was cheating on her. He wanted to tell her, but he didn't want to hurt her. How was he supposed to tell her that she didn't belong with Aaron without it seeming like he was trying to get back together with her?

Ashton chose to wait, not wanting to ruin her engagement party. It would be better to make a scene and have her be upset in front of all her guests. He walked up to her anyway, deciding it was time for him to leave.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna get going," he said, reaching her. She was standing with Leila who was sporting a prominent baby bump.

"Ash, I haven't seen you in ages!" Leila squealed and wrapped her arms around him. Ashton awkwardly hugged her back the best he could. 

"It's great to see you. Calum was telling me about the cupcake shop. I'll have to stop by," he said out of generosity. Maybe he would take Lauren and Harry, they loved sweets. 

"Awesome! I haven't been working much lately since the doctor put me on bed rest. I really shouldn't be here, but I couldn't miss Stevie's party," she grinned, resting a hand on her best friend's shoulder. 

"Let's get you a seat," she said, helping Leila to a chair at a nearby table where some guests were sitting. She returned a moment later, to tell Ashton goodbye. "It was so great of you to come, really. It can't be easy for you to be here..." she trailed off.

That was true, it wasn't easy. It was especially hard knowing what he did about her fiance. Ashton couldn't help wondering if it was hard for her too. He couldn't stop imagining that this was their party, that they should be the ones engaged. He kept his thoughts to himself and instead nodded. "Yeah, it was fun though," he lied. He didn't have fun at all really, except when he was talking with Kaylee. 

Stevie pulled him close for a hug and he couldn't help inhaling the intoxicating scent of her perfume. They held on to each other for too long and Stevie convinced herself that she missed him as a friend, that her feelings for him weren't returning. She had spent all of her time at college trying to forget him, move on but maybe she hadn't moved on as much as she believed. 


"What am I supposed to do?" Ashton groaned. He was at the bar that night with Luke. He confided in his best friend about how he accidentally witnessed Aaron cheating on Stevie.

"Tell her," he simply shrugged. Luke was acting like this wasn't that big of a choice. Telling Stevie would not only ruin her relationship with Aaron, but it could ruin his relationship with her.

"It's not that easy!"

"What's not that easy?" Michael asked, walking up to them. He had told Luke and Ashton that he wasn't able to make it earlier but must have found a way out of whatever he had going on. Ashton didn't mind Michael, but he didn't really feel like hashing out everything again. He was Luke's friend from university so he naturally became Ashton's friend as well.

"Telling Stevie that her fiance is cheating," Luke said, making the decision for Ashton to fill him in.

"No, mate. You can't tell her," Michael said, taking the seat on Ashton's left so that he was sandwiched between Michael and Luke.

"Why not?" Luke argued.

Ashton groaned loudly, throwing his head back. He didn't feel like sitting in the middle of his friends arguing about his problems, but he stayed there and listened halfheartedly.

"Because she'll hate Ash forever," Michael reasoned. 

"He's not the one that's cheating on her. If my fiance was cheating on me, I would like to know." Luke tipped his glass back, finishing off his beer. 

"I guess that makes sense," Michael nodded, waving the bartender over so he could order a drink. "You should tell her, but are you sure he was cheating?" he asked after ordering.

Ashton widened his eyes and nodded. "There was definitely some tonsil hockey going on," he said, the image coming back to his mind. He shook it away, not wanting to relive the sight. 

"Then we have a decision!" Michael announced holding his glass up to clink it with theirs. Ashton reluctantly did, not wanting to upset his friend, but he felt as though they hadn't made a decision. Luke and Michael made a decision without even asking him what he thought. 

He pulled out his phone and spent the next minutes scrolling through his twitter feed before a thought entered his mind. He opened up a new message and typed in Kaylee's name. I'd love to see you again. Maybe go on a real date this time? ;) he sent. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol that made him send the message or that he really just wanted to see her again. 

That would be great! I'd love to know someone better in the wedding party :) Ashton smiled at his phone from her response. He sent another message saying that he would be in touch. 

"What's got you so smiley?" Luke asked.

"Nothing," Ash shook his head and closed out of the message so he couldn't read over his shoulder. His mind was now completely cleared of thoughts about Stevie's cheating fiance and Stevie herself, instead being filled with thoughts of Kaylee and their future date. 

i feel like this sucks, so sorry if you think so too. please vote and comment (please??), i love you for reading. xx zoe

leave him // a.i {au}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon