Though something had caught my eye, a sword I have not seen before. As if it were not of this time, world, or even universe perhaps.

 As if it were not of this time, world, or even universe perhaps

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Swiftly taking it in hand, it burned me. Blood of my hand dripped down onto the sword, I took in my hand once more.

The burning sensation dissipated, it no longer burned, my cut healed. Holding it up to the sunlight, it glowed with blue light. Blue elven scriptures glowed, one I do not know of. Taking the chance I take hold of it putting it in my holster on my belt summoning a second on my other side, strapping my main sword into the other.

My bow not yet summoned, was a necklace that hung from my neck, though could be summoned to my hand. Even if the bow was in the hands of another or lost.

Rushing outside with my main sword in hand aiming it at the sound of the noise.

"Thieves! Fire! Murder!" I stance faltered at the voice, that sounds like...

My suspicions were correct as the figure stood before us, it was,

"Radagast." The brown wizard, I smiled going up to the wizard hugging him gently. He looks at me with a gentle smile, I look at him in the eye. He looks at me with a knowing eye.

"You know." Radagast, says looking at me, this caused Gandalf's eyebrow to rise as I only nodded in response.


"The Greenwood is sick, Gandalf." Radagast spoke, pausing trying to find the right words. As I I whispered something to myself getting the wizards to look at me quizzically.

"The Necromancer."

"A darkness has fallen over it, nothing grows anymore. At least, nothing good. The air is foul with decay, but worse are the webs."

"Webs? What do you mean?"

"Spiders, Gandalf. Giant ones. Some kind of spawn of Ungoliant, or I am not a Wizard..I followed their trail." IRadahst spoke once more in a dazed way, almost remembering what had happened .

"They came from Dol Guldur." Flashbacks filled my mind as I remembered the worst. Falling back, Damien catches me barely, teleporting me over to where the rest of the company stood. Feeling faint, heavy.

"Are you alright lass?" I wave Dori off who happened to be the doctor of the company. As I sat down on a nearby rock, holding my head.

"It's alright, I just feel a tad light is all." Trying to stand up, only to stumble. Trying to walk it off, only to almost fall, as Kili and Fili takes me by my arms. Helping me. I grin casting a small spell, as green mist surrounds me. Causing me to gasp and cough, causing the concern of the company to grow.

I lift up my head, closing my eyes for merely 2 seconds, opening them. Feeling better, I stood on my own, but the Durin brothers were sure to be near me if I needed help. Soon a howl caused our attention to be alert.

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