Chapter 26

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I was at my 5 month ultrasound with Sam and Colby both next to me it was going to be the first time we seen our baby and it was also going to be when we found out the gender. I had ultrasounds scheduled before but I had to cancel, everyone was telling me I looked like I was 7 months pregnant due to my baby bump being to large.

I was holding Colby's hand at the nurse applied the gel and placed the thing on my stomach. "Ok so let's see. Well I see a head here. Theres a foot and another foot........ and another foot...." I looked confused "and another foot..." I looked at Colby who shrugged and looked at the screen trying to see "Well Miss Y/l/n it looks like twins..."

"What?!" I was shocked and apparently so was Colby. "Can you tell the genders?" I looked at the screen and sighed "well let's see they're really close together looks like a boy aaaaaaand" she moved to the other side of my belly and looked around "and a Girl you're gonna have the best of both worlds" I laughed nervously. "Gonna be a handful" I said looking at Colby who was chewing on his lip. "You ok Colbs?" He looked down at me and nodded.

"Yeah..... just.... we're gonna be parents... its unbelievable" he looked like he was upset but in reality he was really happy. The nurse printed some pictures for us and we headed back to my car, "so you kicked Liz out?" Colby said looking up from the pictures. "NO! She wanted her ow. Space so we talked to the landlord and changed the lease and she literally lives right next to me"

"Looks like we have to get another crib" Sam said laughing "yeah I'm gonna get huge....." I was getting nervous about having twins.... I knew it was bound to happen twins run in my family but they skip a generation. I felt Colby place his hand on my shoulder, I turned slightly in my seat to look at him. "You'll be fine. Have you thought about names?" I shook my head turning back to look out the window.

"I have no ideas for names... I'm horrible when it comes to names." I leaned my head back on the seat and fell asleep.

"Hey wake up Y/n" Sam shook me slightly to wake me, "5 more minutes" I mumbled turning my head toward the window. My door opened and someone pinched my nose so I couldn't breathe. "What the fuck" I slapped the hand away and looked up seeing Liz. "I'm gonna hurt you" she laughed as I struggled to stand up out of the car.

"You're adorable waddling around with your little belly" she held her arm out for me to take as she escorted me to my apartment. Sam and Colby went to go pack because they were going to go to Kansas with Jake for some origin series for their channel.

"So Katie and I are going out for dinner do you wanna come?" Liz asked helping me sit down "sure fancy or casual?" She shrugged "casual" I nodded and told her to text me when she leaves. She nodded and let herself out, 20 minutes later Sam came in. "Hey I'm stopping by to say goodbye" I frowned "do you have to go?" He came and sat next to me on the couch.

"You know I do.... its only for a few days." He kissed my head and placed his hand on my belly. "You guys be careful....not rituals or crazy shit." He smiled "you're doing a ritual...." he shrugged "kinda.... it's a cleansing ritual to cleanse us of all the bad energy attached to us." I nodded "as long as you're not summoning anything" he pinkie promised me no demon summoning and hugged me.

"I love you I'll see you when I get back" he headed towards the door and waved "love you too. Call me tonight" and just like that I was alone again..... well sorta. I looked at my stomach and felt a kick, I place my hand on my belly and felt another kick. "You guys gonna miss him too?"

I walked into Liz's old room which is now the babies' new room. It had been painted circus themed with a red and white striped ceiling. I smiled leaning against the wall "4 more months" I said to myself as I walked up to the crib we had already set up in the room. "Cole... and Samantha..." I smiled and put my hand on my stomach. "That's your guys' names" I felt a soft kick and I laughed "yeah I like them too"

I heard my phone ring meaning Liz was ready to go out so I shut the light off and left my apartment. I was craving tacos so we decided to go to Guisados on sunset boulevard, "I dont think I've ever been here" Katie looked back at me and I laughed. "Really?! This place is amazing we used to come here after work when I first got to LA" she shrugged and we all headed into the restaurant.

We recieved our foor fairly quickly that's when my phone started ringing. "Hey Y/n can you come into work we got some amazing dna samples of an oceanic white tip shark and we need you to help us out because Klare is in the Bahamas." I sighed "Yeah Alright am I getting time and a half" he said yeah and I told him I'd be there in an hour. "Guys I gotta go...." I said finishing my last taco. "Work?" Liz looked at me and I nodded. "I'll get to go boxes" Katie stood up and went to the counter to get boxes.

"Sorry guys I'll make it up to you." I ubered home to get my things before heading to the office. When I seen Meg knocking on Colby's door, "hey I'm not sure if he told you but hes gonna be out of town for the weekend" I locked there door and she sighed. "What's wrong you seem flustered" I asked as she walked with me to the parking lot. "Well Colby and I got into an argument and he said he'd talk to me Tuesday but I felt bad and wanted to make amends... he's not answering my calls and I feel horrible." She fiddled with her keys and looked at me "tell you what.... I'll call him on my way to work and talk to him. And I'll have him call you." She smiled and hugged me "thank you" I smiled and we said our goodbyes.

I started my drive to the lab and I dialed Colby's number, the phone rang a few time and he picked up.

C: "hey Y/n what's up?"
Sam from the background: "HI BABE"

Y: "hi Sam. Hey Colbs I seen Megan today at your door.... she seemed upset"

C: "yeah we got in a fight about the babies"

Y: "what happened?"

C: "she said she was excited to be a step mom and how she excited to have the twins. I told her it didn't work like that. Just cuz we are dating doesn't mean shes gonna be raising them. And I may have been kinda harsh"

Y: "well Colby Sam is gonna be helping raise them and him and I are dating... I think you should apologize to her..."

C: "yeah I guess you're right... I'll call her right now..."

Y: "ok I'll talk to you guys later"

C: "alright bye"
Sam in the background "BYE BABE"

I chuckled

Y: "goodbye"

I pressed the end call button on the wheel and sighed, I'm gonna miss those two weirdos. The light turned green and I pressed on the gass, I heard a loud horn coming from the left and when I turned to look I seen a truck barreling towards me.

I opened my eyes and I seen glass everywhere I tried to move but everything hurt. "Help I cant get out" I cried out but my voice was a whisper compared to all the sirens and yelling. I seen a man shaking his head and pacing outside talking to a police officer and I seen some firefighters trying to get to me.

They finally cut through and pried the metal apart, a girl climbed in cutting me from my seatbelts and pulling me from the car. The moment the breeze hit my cheeks I blacked out.

Chasing Love - Colby brock x reader Sam Golbach x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now