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Classmate Headcanons. I've been sitting on some of these for a while from contemplating different fic ideas, so here ya go:

- Mylene is vegan, and Ivan's diet is mostly meat. They never fight about it, surprisingly.

- Alix secretly really likes rom-coms, but if you ever tell anyone, she'll punch you

- Sometimes Kim makes Max sit on his back while he does push-ups to increase his resistance

- Nathaniel sometimes doodles on himself and designs tattoos when he gets bored

- Juleka loves horror movies, and Rose only puts up with them because it gives her an excuse to hold Juleka's hand when she gets scared.

- Everyone lowkey wants to be Marinette's parents when they grow up

- Nino is everyone's big brother, and they come to him with their problems, and he helps them sort through them.

- Sabrina and Chloe cosplay at a conventions, and their costumes are always super high-quality and accurate because Chloe has them hand-crafted by top designers.

- Marinette brings people treats from the bakery when it's their birthday as well as a hand-made gift.

- One day, Nath and Alix are talking about some anime, and Adrien gets really excited and blows them away with how many fan theories he has, like seriously, how do you have time to come up with all of these?

- Marinette is obsessed with other people's pets because she could never have one because her they live in the bakery and they can't have an animal there, so she always cuddles other people's pets way too much.

- Alix is a poor swimmer and has to wear floaties if she wants to go in the deep end

- Mylene can't swim at all

- Chloe can swim, but she doesn't like to get wet (it ruins her makeup and hair), so she just floats on a ridiculously over-sized raft like the queen she is

- Alya is like super fit from chasing superheroes around all the time to get footage for her blog

- Ivan gets really emotional when you show him pictures of baby otters

- Despite being clumsy, Marinette's a really good dancer

- But not as good as Adrien, like that kid has moves no one expected

- Chloe and Adrien are secretly/not-so-secretly weeabo trash. They've seen every episode of Naruto, and most of their childhood arguments were over what their ninja powers would be

- Mrs. Bustier needs at least half a bottle of wine after each school day to cope with her students all randomly turning into supervillains every day.


Marinette: OH SHIT


Adrien: what? Sweetie, we don't have an oven





Miraculous Incorrect Quotes ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon