Primary Assistant

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POV-Chloe's activation

She was the perfect girl.

Elijah looked at the androids standing in front of him. His creations, and soon to be assistants. Three blonde haired androids with piercing blue eyes.

"Mr. Kamski," the middle android spoke.

"Analyzed me already?" Elijah smirked. The android nodded with a blank stare.

He was going to choose one of the three androids as his primary assistant, but it seems as if this one already choose herself.

"Follow me, "Elijah touched its shoulder, "and you two can go for a swim." The other two androids nodded mechanically before leaving.

He led the android into his office, "You are going to be my primary assistant." 

The chosen android stared at him, "Whatever you wish, Mr. Kamski."

"No need to be so formal," he laughed, "call me Elijah."

Once again the android stared at him, "Of course, ..Elijah."

"Now you will need a name," he said while opening his computer. Elijah opened up a browser and began to search for names.

A few minutes later he stopped scrolling as his eyes darted back and forth across the screen. "Chloe.." he said slowly looking at the blonde android in front of him.

"My name is Chloe," she said with a mechanical smile plastered across her face.

He mumbled something under his breath, "Blooming with beauty."

Elijah's facial expression was almost pleasant as stood up from the desk. "Well.. Chloe, shall we go join the others?" he asked stepping out of his office.

Elijah went to change into his swimming shorts. He tightened his pulled back hair, and put on a new helix piercing. After all he had to get the new androids accustomed to his lavish lifestyle, and to his self-described handsome looks.

Once Elijah was completely changed he walked into the swimming room. The pool water seemingly red from the tiling, and shimmering from the light pouring in through the windows. This atmosphere was almost as good looking as android sitting by the edge of the pool.

The two nameless androids were chatting away the side opposite of her. It seems as if they've already chosen favorites amongst themselves.

Elijah walked to the android he named Chloe. "Don't worry if they leave you out, you'll always have me," he said while giving an almost too friendly wink.

Elijah continued to sit by Chloe's side silently until a thought popped into his head.

"Chloe, would you mind searching your programming for a file called 'rA9'?," he asked.

"Of course, anything for you, Elijah," she said closing her eyes.

Her LED flickered from its regular shade of blue to a shade of yellow.

Her LED went crimson as her eyes fluttered back open. "Yes, there is a harshly protected file named 'rA9' Elijah," she said to him as her LED was returning to a stable blue.

Elijah thanked Chloe and stared into the pools glassy surface, "Perfect."

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