Part 1

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Running, running was all the he was focused on. Lights don't own shining on him, flashing red, blue, and stinging white lights blurred his vision. Dabi, one of the most wanted criminals in Japan, with a devastating quirk. Now, surrounded by authorities, he faces crowds of policemen, along with heroes who were complete counters to him. Water, flame-resistant, ice, they we're prepared, planning this from the start, no fire could get him out of this situation. With no allies to rely on, with Kurogiri gone and the league spread thin from this rouse, it was unbearable, but the reality. Dabi would be arrested, every time a ring of fire was shot around him, it was extinguished, the same went for any walls or offensive attacks. However, there was one other option he could attempt before being apprehended, sparks and smoke emitted from his hands along with his forearms. Sprinting slightly towards the heroes, who readied themselves, Dabi turned on the heels of his tattered combat boots, with arms up ready to fire, he leaped into the air throwing them down, sending an explosion of blue fire. There was a moment of hope, relief that he may narrowly avoid capture, but a prick in the neck told him otherwise,
'There's a sniper?' he thought in shock, but before Dabi could even locate the one who shot him, the tranquilizer used sent him hurtling down back to the pavement.
    "We got him! He's down!"
"The injuries sustained from the fall aren't fatal, but will need medical attention..."
"Restrain him to the stretcher!"
"Wait he's still conscious!"
"Not for long, that tranquilizer is specifically made to take down targets in a matter of seconds, but this one seems to be taking its time.."
These voices, they're all turning into the same string of noise, a blur, everything was becoming foggy, his body went limp, Dabi just fighting to stay awake when they were binding quirk restraints on him, putting him on the stretcher, to completely immobilize him. Eventually he could no longer understand any of the sounds or comprehend his vision, all he could do was succumb to defeat.


When he regained consciousness, the beating of a heart monitor welcomed Dabi. Trying to sit up, he realized he couldn't, he was cuffed to the bed he resided in, along with something cold around his throat 'Quirk restraints, huh? Looks like they're taking no chances with me if I have a collar on... like a dog.' he grimaced. He continued these bitter thoughts until it was interrupted by the click of a door, the tapping of shoes entering the room. There was your typical doctor, who timidly approached the villain to treat his wounds, which the criminal complied with. As for the others in the room, it seemed to be some guards as well of two all too familiar pro heroes. That being Hawks, who was obviously holding back a snicker, and Eraserhead, who simply gave a blank stare in the villain's direction.
"Seems you're finally awake, you were asleep for a day." Eraserhead stated. However this got no response from Dabi. "We came here today to ask you some questions, cooperate and this will go smoothly, if you choose not to well..." he grabbed his scarf and pulled a portion with both hands "We have ways to get criminals like you to talk."
"Tch, as if, beat me all you want, if that's what you're meaning, I've faced bastards much worse than you or chicken over there..."
"Watch yourself, Dabi, you're on a tight leash" Hawks interjected
"Oh really? I could say the same for you Hawks...better keep quiet." Dabi smirked. Earning a suspicious look from the tired hero, Eraser shrugged it off. "Anyway, we need to ask questions about your previous actions, motives, and past." The last one caused a jump in Dabi, looking up with a blank yet annoyed face, but was quickly directed to the floor, the doctor was on their butt from their reaction of the slight movement of their patient 'Ugh, you'd think they'd get doctors who weren't as afraid of people like me for this... guess I was wrong' Rolling his eyes, the focus was back on the heroes "I'm not telling you anything, and there's nothing to tell, you've seen what I do in the news, and what needs to be known is already common knowledge." Dabi scoffed "Wrong, it may be true we know some information about you, but this is an in depth investigation, meaning that the information known isn't good enough, you don't even have to say much in response, it could simply even be a yes or a no for our questions." Eraser stated "Fine, ask away"
"Are you responsible for the reported incidents of murdering groups of people found to be ash?"
"Are you responsible for the murder of the sand hero Snatch?"
"Did you have someone connect you to the league?"
Sighing, he continued "Do you have any connections that may link back to pro heroes?"
No response
"These are simple yes or no questions, answer."
"Who said I didn't? You asked, my answer was silence." frustrating Eraser, Hawks took over
"Do you have any or had any long term relationships with pro heroes? This includes all types of relationships, as well of positive or negative."
"You already know the answer to that question, Hawks." That remark earned a look of rage from the winged hero, with a huff, Dabi continued "Besides I'm done talking to you 'heroes', ask me anything else, and you'll only get one answer." He yawned, resetting back to his aloof and hard to read expression. " Fine we will ask no more questions, for now at least. We'll retrieve the last bits of information we need then." Hawks smiled
"Didn't you hear me, idiot? I'm done talking."
"Well who said this involved talking." Catching onto what he meant, Dabi started to pull against the restraints, the beeping of the monitor quickened from his actions. The guards rushed over to steady him, holding his head down, and forcing his mouth open. Letting out a low wail, the skin on his face was being sketched too far, the staples that had kept it in place was instead with stitches, the rubbery like skin was being pulled, smushed, to the point the very outer layer was starting to flake, the crunching of his worn skin sending chills down his spine. Once he was steadied, Hawks drew near with a swab, and two petri dishes, he took the first dish into his hand and collected an appropriate amount of saliva, placing the coated swab into the dish. The guard let go of jaw, almost getting bit by the scorched villain when withdrawing, enraged of how much pain that inflicted of the carelessness of his scars.
"You crazy bastard, what the hell are you doing?!" He spat
"We know Dabi is merely an alias you go under, since it directly translates to what your quirk does, cremation. And in order to do a proper investigation along with sending you to prison. We need to know who you  really are." With that, a hair was plucked, being placed in the other dish. Dabi wanted to burn the smile that hero had right off. Seething with anger, everyone left the room. The moment the door clicked shut, a roar could be heard down the halls of the hospital. clenched fists, strained muscles, he feared 'They're going to find out who I am, not only will I be exposed, everything I worked for will be lost, doubt the league would let a Todoroki join, especially now with that ass of a old man on top now' Taking deep breaths, Dabi started to shake from the flood of emotions, knowing this may be the end for him.

Red is the new black; a dabi and shouto todoroki fanficWhere stories live. Discover now