Chapter 1 - Surprises & Disguises

Start from the beginning

"I'm Eleanor's new roommate!" 

Eleanor turned to me and smiled. "You can call me El."

"Oh the boys are gonna love this!" I heard Louis shout. "Do you think you girls can come down here. It's really uncomfortable having to look up all the time." 

We both nodded and shut the window. El threw on her white cardigan and I put my black handbag over my shoulder. 

"Ready?" She asked. I nodded and she led me out the door. "So what are you studying?"

"Law, Sociology, Drama and Politics." I snorted before continuing. "Dad's making me take the last one. It was the only way he would let me come here."

"Your dad's forcing you to take politics?" She asked as we stepped into the elevator.

"Yup. It's like he thinks I'm gonna inherit his presidency!" 

El laughed and the elevators door opened revealing a very empty lobby. The only person standing there was Louis. Once he saw us he went running up to El and hugged her tightly.

"Oh love how I've missed you!" He said in a dramatic voice causing El to giggle. 

"Quite the drama queen this one." She said as she let go of him. Louis kissed her lightly on the lips and grabbed her hand.  "But I missed you too."

We walked out of the building and Louis led us to the car. 

"Um where exactly are we going?" I asked as the driver turned the engine on. "I might have been able to get away from Secret Service now but they'll realize I'm gone."

Louis scoffed. "I am smart you know. I have thought about that. That's why we're going shopping."

El and I looked at each other confused. "For what?" We asked simultaneously.

"A disguise." He grinned as we pulled up to a very small wig shop.

"You're joking right?" El said unbuckling her seat belt and getting out of the car. "Do you really think that if she walked around with a wig people would suddenly forget what she looked like?"

Louis opened the shop door and we walked in to see a small old lady sitting on a stool behind the desk. "Hi Mrs. G." He waved as we went up to the counter. 

"Hello dear. What mischief are you up to now?" Mrs. G smiled kindly. 

Louis chuckled. "Oh no mischief here. I was just wondering if you had a wig that would make my friend over here look well not like herself." He pointed towards me and I waved to the lady.

She stared at me intently then motioned for us to follow her. We went through rows and rows of strange costumes and wigs until Mrs. G finally stopped. "Ah this one." She removed a wig from the mannequin's head. The hair was sleek, shiny and long with bangs. But most importantly it was pitch black which was the opposite of my golden blonde hair. "Just put on a bit more makeup then you're used to and people will never know it's you."

I grinned. "It's perfect!"


About four hours later El and I were getting dressed. Louis called the other boys and arranged for them to meet us at a night club. When we got back from going shopping earlier the Secret Service Agents were standing in front of our dorm room. They were still standing outside on guard so this disguise better work.

"Wow El you look amazing!" She was wearing a white lace dress with long sleeves and a peter pan collar. Her hair was wavy and parted down the middle. She had on white pumps that completed the look. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2012 ⏰

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