Chapter 1 *Picture Of Lucie&Alyssa*

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"Mum, it's the X-Factor! You know I love to sing! I HAVE to apply," I said literally on my knees begging my mum to let me apply.

"I know Lucie," My mum said, "But I'm spending half of my days working part time at the drug store and the other half taking care of your little brother. I don't have time to drive you around to silly auditions."

"This is so unfair! If it were Morgan asking you would be quitting your job right now to drive her!" Morgan is my little sister. She is four teen years old. I don't like to talk about her much because, well, let's just say she is the queen of all brats.

"When is the audition?"

A grin creeped upon my face as I quickly shouted "January seventh!"

"Hrmm," Mum said while pacing back and forth with my baby brother, Jack, in her arms, "I will drive you to the audition BUT if it doesn't work out you have to babysit your brother everyday after school for a year so I can work a full time job."

"Yay! I won't disappoint you mum," I said while running up to mine and Morgans room. I grabbed my mobile and called my best friend, Alyssa. "You'll never believe what my mum said about the audition!"

"SHE'S LETTING YOU GO?!" Alyssa squealed through the other end.

"YES! You need to come over right away so we can pick out what I'm going to wear! Can I borrow your pink flats? Please!"

"Of course you can! And sure, I'll be over in about ten minutes! See you soon girl! Bye."

"Love ya, bye," I said happily. As soon as the conversation ended and I went online and applied for the X-Factor. It took about 15 minutes for me to fill out because I was so excited! Right when I was finished I heard the door bell ring. "IT'S ALYSSA. SEND HER UP MUM!" Then a couple seconds later my best friend came strutting into my room with her gorgeous pink flats. I leaped up and hugged her and then grabbed the shoes. I stared at them with envy and sat them ontop of my bed.

"So, did you apply yet?" Alyssa asked.

"Yeah, I should get a response in the next week they said. I'm so nervous!"

"Girl, don't be! You are a fantastic singer and performer. You'll make it in and within the next year you will be famous. But don't let the fame get to your head. I still want to be your best friend! You're going to take me shopping in Paris right? And we're going to have sleepovers with Selena Gomez and Ashley Tisdale right?"

"Alyssa, enough. I'm not going to get famous. We won't be able to shop in Paris or have sleepovers with Selena Gomez and Ashley Tisdale. Let's just hope I even make it to bootcamp." I sighed and looked for a song I should sing for my audition.

"Sorry Lucie," She mumbled, "Anyways, what songs are you thinking about singing?"

"I don't know yet, I'm thinking about a song by Miley Cyrus. How about Obsessed?"

"YES. THAT'S THE PERFECT SONG FOR YOU! Let's get you warmed up now."

"Alright, alright!" About three hours passed of singing the same song over and over again. It sounded pretty good to be honest. When we looked at the clock we realized it was pretty late.

"Crap, gotta go Lucie. Keep practicing!" Said Alyssa as she rushed out of my room and out the front door.

I went to sleep that night as happy as can be. I was thinking alot though. I eventually drifted off into a deep sleep though. When I woke up I was terrified. I had an awful dream! I dreamed that I was on the stage for the X-Factor audition and when I sang nothing came out and the judges stared at me like I was a ghost! Then after three minutes of me trying to squeeze some words out Simon stood up and pointed his finger to the exit as a sign that I should leave. I ran off the stage crying. Then I woke up. I went downstairs and told my mum about my dream.

"Maybe that's a sign that you shouldn't audition," Mum said.

"I knew you would be discouraging! Just forget it." I stumbled out of the room miserably.

Weeks have passed and it was the night before the audition. I was nervous. I had the song picked out and my outfit ready. Alyssa was going to come over in the morning and curl my hair and do my make up. She has always been good at that type of stuff. I went to bed early to get a good nights rest.

"LUCIE GET UP! IT'S TIME TO GET READY. WE HAVE TO LEAVE IN AN HOUR," Screamed Alyssa who was already dressed to go.

"Ugh," I grumbled, "Heat up the curling iron." I got up out of bed and combed my hair. I sat in my computer chair and Alyssa began to curl my hair. "Alyssa, do you think I'm going to do good?"

She stopped curling my hair. "Of course you are! Don't even think badly, because you're going to be the biggest sensation in the world. Got it?"

"Got it." I repeated. She began to curl my hair again. After 30 minutes of curling my hair she did my make up really nicely. I threw on my clothes and gently put on the pink flats. I honestly looked stunning. Alyssa looked at me as if I was a brand new person. Just then Morgan came in.

"Mum says its time to go. By the way, you look like a dork," she winked and then walked downstairs.

Alyssa and I climbed into the car and Jack sat next to us. Morgan sat upfront with Mum. It was about an hour and half drive there and we would have to wait about two hours for me to audition. When we pulled up to the auditorium I felt a little queezy. But I just swallowed and held my chin up. I was not going to ruin this for me. Or for my family. We all found a corner of space and I began warming up my voice. Mum bought me a warm water and Alyssa played chords on her iPhone to help me stay in key. About an hour and a half passed and over the intercom my name was called telling me to go backstage because I was next. I shakily walked backstage with Alyssa and my family. A guy told me to wait off to the side until the person before me came off. I warmed up one last time until I saw the contestant ahead of me walk out in tears. I gulped and walked out holding a microphone.

There, before me, were thousands of people and three celebrities. Cheryl Cole was staring at me. Simon Cowell was chewing his pen. And Louis Walsh smiled and waved at me. I gulped one last time until the first word was spoken.

Live While We're YoungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz