What He Thought Wasn't Possible

Start from the beginning

"B-but... why? How did he end up drinking it?"

"Someone must have slipped him some."

"And you haven't told anyone about this? Are you serious?"

"He doesn't want anyone to know. It's not like they can do anything for him. There's no cure other than the feelings to be genuinely returned."

"And how long does he have?" The fear was growing in his heart.

"Judging by how things are advancing, a week, maybe two", Pansy answered solemnly.

"Well who is it? We have to tell her. And maybe she likes him, I don't know. Pansy what the fuck I can't let him die", Harry's hands were now trembling.

"It's not a girl", the brunette muttered, watching Harry's reaction closely. There might be some hope yet.

"Well then, tell him. Come on we have to do something. Tell me who it is", he demanded. Pansy had never seen him so distressed.


But just then, she spotted the blond in question walk around the corner and promptly shut her mouth.

Draco wanted to run away before the annoying Gryffindor spotted him, but one good look at Pansy's guilty face told him Harry already knew. And fuck, was he screwed. Potter turned around when he saw Pansy stare behind him and the sight of Draco filled him with rage and sorrow at the same time.

"Why. The fuck. Did you not. Tell me. That you were fucking dying?" he almost yelled as he quickly closed the distance between them.

Draco shot a glare at Pansy who shrugged guiltily.

"He deserves to know, Draco. I know you agree."

"Who is it?" Harry frantically asked, this time the question directed at Draco. "Who is it that you love?" His heart broke at those last few words, but his feelings were the last thing that mattered. "Tell me."

"I can't", Draco whispered, half heartedly trying to pull his hand from Harry's grasp.

"Why? Maybe he loves you. Maybe he does and you won't fucking die. Draco, please", Harry pleaded, desperation now clear in his voice and it made Draco's heart break further because he knew. Knew that Potter didn't care for him in that way and that this was just his fucking way of being telling him he had to take care of everyone.

"He doesn't." Was all Draco could brokenly mutter.

"Of course you think that, that's why you're like this. But whoever this guy is, let me tell you, he'd be the world's greatest idiot if he turned his back on you." Harry's heart shattered and his vision blurred as Draco let out a small cough and a trickle of blood left his lips which he quickly wiped.

"Well, you always have been a bit of a moron", the blond muttered so softly that Harry almost didn't hear him. Almost.

"What?" he whispered, causing Draco's entire body to tense up.

"I didn't say anything", he denied, looking at Pansy for support.

She just shook her head.

"Me?", Harry whispered, blinking stupidly. "You're in love with me?"

"Look, Harry. I don't want you to blame yourself, ok? Nobody can control how they feel and who they fall in love with and this is just the way it is. You won't be able to save everyone and I'll be one of those people, but that's okay, because it's not your fault and I really need you to believe that", Draco whispered. What had he done? He'd tried his best to hide it all from Harry. He knew the idiot would blame himself for his death if he knew and he couldn't have that. Harry couldn't have another death on his shoulders. He should have believed it was just a disease and that was it. But now he knew and Draco failed to protect him. But despite wanting to protect the brunet, there was that small part of Draco that still maybe hoped a little and he was just that selfish, so yeah, he should've known he'd end up telling Harry at some point.

"Draco, I lov-"

"Don't say it", the blond brokenly whispered, his eyes reflecting nothing but misery. "Don't say it when you don't mean it. I know the truth and a lie won't save me."

There were tears streaming down Harry's cheeks. Tears of happiness because, oh god, Draco wasn't going to die. And that was all his mind could register. Draco was going to be fine. They were going to be fine and happy and together and Draco was going to be fine. He let out a breath of relief as he stepped closer.

He placed both hands on Draco's cheeks and wiped away the tears the blond wasn't aware were falling. The gesture was so tender and genuine that it made Draco's resolve crumble.

He looked at Harry and he wanted to push him away, to tell him he didn't need charity and that pity wasn't going to save him, but he couldn't. And then Harry was smiling and repeating you're going to be okay over and over again and Draco didn't know what to do with himself anymore.

"I'm not", he finally croaked out. "I'm not going to be okay and you know it."

"No, Draco. You're going to be okay." Harry was smiling so wide Draco thought he would go blind. "You're going to be happy." He was leaning in. "We're going to be happy." Draco was rooted to the spot, helplessly watching as Harry came closer and closer, and finding himself leaning in as well. "So, so fucking happy."

And then Harry was kissing him and it was heartbreaking. Because the kiss was so soft and tender, so full of want and love it actually hurt. But for the first time, it hurt in a good way.

When Harry pulled away, slowly and just enough so he could see Draco's face, the blond didn't dare open his eyes. He couldn't bare for it all to shatter to nothing if he opened his eyes.

Harry pecked him on the lips again and tightened his arms on his waist, silently telling him it was alright.

Draco's hands were shaking as he strengthened his grip on Harry's neck and his voice trembled, shy and hesitant when he asked, eyes still tightly shut:

"Is this actually real?"

Two tears made their way down Harry's cheeks as he tenderly nudged Draco's face with his own and peppered his face with sweet kisses.

"It's as real as you and me. I love you, Draco. I love you so fucking much."

And then Draco opened his eyes and instead of the darkness he expected to see,  he was met with warm green eyes, filled with so much love and honesty that he couldn't help the smile that stretched his lips and the flutter of his heart because damn it:

"I love you too!"

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