Child on the Brink.

Start from the beginning

"She's gone." One student commented and Minerva looked up at the loud student. Her eyes glancing over her and then she looked down. All the while concern dropped from the Gryffindor and there was quite a reason for it. Minerva loved the girl and would lose it if she hadn't been told.

"Miss Astraea, this is transfigurations and you are supposed to be transforming the animal into a water goblet. As a fifth-year, I would be more concerned if it had not, as you put it, 'gone'." The student wasn't a happy one after the brutal comment but they moved on. Soft sounds were made as students worked until, out of habit, McGonagall looked up to see where her daughter was. The desk was clear and when the class was searched no black hair moved and no laughter could be heard. Panic flooded her features and when this was done, the bell went and they were all told to leave. The realisation of what the student had been saying dawned and Minerva sighed out.

As Minerva went to leave Albus appeared at the door and urgency ran through her features. He looked over her and a part of her believed that he knew all about where her girl was and an eyebrow lifted as she waited for what he had come to see her about. The door being closed as he walked in. "Minerva, I have just been contacted by the ministry regarding our current stance. I am sorry but it has become apparent that we aren't able to place such protection down." Minerva sighed and held a 'quick' conversation with Albus, an hour after having seen a missing child Minerva had reached high alert and it became apparent to Albus that he had better leave at that moment.

Minerva left and walked around the halls. She was a strict teacher still. Stern steps, sour face at times of potential mischief and house points being taken as it seemed appropriate. No sign of the girl had been detected for a while and it panicked McGonagall, not that she would admit to feeling that way in that very moment. The school was searched, doors that had been closed were ruled out. At a moment of desperation, the woman went to the infirmary to see Poppy. The door on the left was just closing as she approached but in a second it was opened again as Poppy cast a spell to open them.

"Poppy?" Was spoken softly, worry had begun to let its way out of her body as she spoke but Poppy was a little too busy to notice. Something had her attention but the woman had been heard as Poppy turned to the door.

"Minerva, I was about to walk down to your class when a student came in. I am assuming that this one is supposed to be with you. She normally is." The sly comment wasn't missed and Minerva had to admit that a tight leash had been kept to prevent, uh, she had no clue but it was something.

"Thank you, Poppy. I think that she is a little too busy for her age. Come on now, Sherbet. I have classes to teach and you have spellings to do and your name is not something that can write itself now, can it?" With a nod Beatriz stuck both of her arms out, asking to be carried but Minerva took her hands and helped her down to the floor to walk.

"Fank you Auntie Poppy." Was spoken and the witch just watched the pair leave. A lecture already began as they left but Beatriz was on cloud nine and she was hearing none of the words spoken. Poppy had to spend a second smiling as she watched the pair on their way out of the room.

"Mummy, can I see Hagrid?" Minerva thought on it and sighed out. He was most likely going to disagree to it and so defeated, Minerva agreed and planned to get back, mark work, teach lessons and have Beatriz read to her again. Reading wasn't something that could just be dropped.

The pair walked from the castle and the outside hit at them both. Wind swishing through their clothes and the damp grass met their feet. The brown boots were helpful and the leather shoes were ideal, and as the pair approached the hut Hagrid left it. A dog was on his heel and it looked to be young.

"Ms Urquar'? Ms McGonagall. 'ow lov'ly to see yer both. Nofink is der problem?" Minerva shook her head slowly and looked at her daughter, thoughts of what it would be like to leave the girl for an entire afternoon was had. The last few times she had been left in the care of another, something went wrong. And that included being left with Albus.

"Can I pway with you?" Was asked and Hagrid was quick to agree, he didn't seem desperate for it but he was proud to have been asked. Minerva had expected any answer but that and so looked to be confused for a second before finally giving in and letting the little hand go.

"Careful now, Hagrid. Albus lost her only a little while ago, Snape taught her a swear word last night and, the last time the both of them watched over her she managed to escape the house. They might be all that when it comes to working but she seems to have a knack for mischief." A smile was seen on Beatriz's face as she heard this. "She also ran away for a few hours just now. Anyway you two, I have lessons. Thank you, Hagrid." Minerva spoke properly and watched as the pair returned to the hut. A dog followed them both back in and a moan escaped it, clearly too much exercise for it as the back and forward was quite a strain. For a dog as lazy as that one.

"Fang." Was heard and Minerva felt her heart leap into her throat. Fear of her baby being hurt was all that consumed her.

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