Form for Judges (OPEN)

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Here, you can find hidden gems and gain experience in judging. If in need of help, PM me at any time.

I need TWO judges per category (reading 5 books each), so please help me out and complete the following form if you think that you have free time for the awards. I need dedicated people, who can finish judging when neededCheck the Judging Criteria to see how a book should be judged and the dates to know when it ends. You must also read the rules, and agree to the prizes you'll receive.

IMPORTANT❗Judges must be able to read LGBTQ+ (if applicable).



Previous experience?:

Genres you prefer judging (check which genres are available):

Can you read mature?:

Do you have the time to judge 5 books?:

Will you be committed to the awards?:

Will you write a score & review for the book (see the Judging Score Sheet before answering)?:

Did you enter as a participant?:


Note: After being accepted, we will PM you the Score Sheet, the Deadline and the Book List. Make sure you can be unbiased when judging! Then, you must PM me (or email me) back the completed score sheets and reviews.

❗️Inform me ASAP if you think that you can't judge anymore. Don't be MIA.

❗️You can vote the chapters you judge if you want to, in order for the author to know what you've judged.

Judges will earn prizes too, because their effort should be rewarded! If the judge finishes judging all the books given in time, prizes await them! 

Note: If any of the "Rules for Participants" sections are violated, please notify me as soon as you can.

Thank you!

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