"Shit Van! You scared me half to death. The way I'm feeling it won't take much to finish me off." I stumbled backwards.

Van rubbed a hand over his face and gave me a look of apology. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"I don't know which of us is scarier this morning." That was a total lie. It was me. Sure Van looked a bit seedy but it just enhanced that sexy bad boy vibe he had going on. "Why are you lurking in my bedroom anyway?" Because you need to leave, this hangover has laid my defences to waste and I'm likely to jump your bones.

"Sorry. I just wanted to check that you're okay." Van edged away from the bathroom door allowing me to take the few steps from there to the bed. Flopping back down I ignored the way the cats made a point of leaping up and rearranging themselves. I lifted my arms up and spread them wide before allowing them to drop down onto the mattress. "Not dead if that's what you were worried about."

I blinked in surprise as Van's expression told me that it was what he'd worried about. "Seriously? You were worried that I was dead in the bathroom?"

"Sorry," Van cringed, "Occupational hazard. I didn't really think you were actually dead but..."

"Why on earth would you think that?" I tilted my head as if looking at him from another angle would clarify his response.

Van snorted. "Have you forgotten who my brother is? It's always a possibility with him. And to be fair, I've worked with a lot of bands. Those sex, drugs and rock'n'roll stories don't invent themselves. There's a level of truth behind them."

"Are you saying I actually partied like a rock star last night?" It was impossible to hide the note of pride in my voice.

"Minus the drugs, yeah. You were pretty out of control."

"I guess that kind of makes the hangover worth it then."

He huffed out a laugh. "Don't make a habit of it. I don't think my liver can take it."

"C'mon, take a load off. You look dead on your feet." I patted the bed beside my hip. Van gave me a wary look. "I'm not going to jump you, you're perfectly safe roomie." I may have wanted to jump him but usually I was pretty proud of my willpower. Today was not going to be the day that it failed me.

"Okay." Van gingerly lowered himself down on to the bed beside me and folded his hands on his belly. "I didn't sleep much last night."

"No? How come? I think I was in a literal coma."

"Yeah, that was kind of what had me worried and checking on you every hour or so." He turned his head to look at me.

And guilt in three...two...one.

I shuffled about until I was on my side, my head propped up in one hand as I reached out with the other to touch his arm. "Shit Van, I'm really sorry."

His eyes met mine and he gave me a wry grin. "Don't worry about it, my paranoia is not your fault. Just promise me you won't be driving a Rolls Royce into a swimming pool any time soon."

"Well considering I don't have a driver's licence it doesn't seem likely my father will loan me his car. It's a deal." I stuck out my hand for him to shake. He gave me a vaguely confused look but took my hand in his and gave it a firm shake.

"So..." he raised an eyebrow at me, "bacon?"

"God, yes!"

It seemed the cats agreed because they were on their feet and staring at Van with unmatched intensity.

"They understood that huh?"

"Oh yeah, they understand all the food words. You'll get used to sharing your meals... whether you want to or not."

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