
"You broke me." She said "I love you too much and you just walked out over something dumb ass shit then not only that you was avoiding me and Ik for a fact that you would still be doing that"

"I'm sorry" I said and now I realized I was doing the most and that I really hurt her

She cleared her tears "ik but it's ok cause I'm single so that mean I do what I want"

I looked at her like she was crazy. Ik I want on strike 3 cause this was 2 strikes itself so where the third in come from

"No" I said looking at her

"Yes nigga I'm single I'm single I'm single I'm single" she started singing and dancing

"No the fuck you not and i swear on everything if you go and fuck some nigga imma beat ur ass" I said

"No I told you if you walked you was single and wtf did you do walk out" she said turning around and I followed

When I got back to my section king and micheal came up to me "wassup with you and that girl" king asked

"She mine so don't even try that." I said

"Man it look like she single but we friends so she automatically off limits right king" micheal said looking at king

"Boys get y'all asses back to work" Chrissy yelled

"Your boy in his feelings" micheal said patting my back

"Damn but get back to work cause we close in bout 30 minutes and I want food" Chrissy said

"Shawn can I talk to you for a second" Myah and Kay said to me

"Yea" I walked over to them before they both smacked the hell out of me

"Dammmnnnnnn" micheal Chrissy and king said as Ryan jazz and ty laughed

"We've been wanting to do that shit but it's ok" Myah said

"We was really gonna beat you ass but we know you gonna fix shit right" Kay said grabbing me by my shirt bring me down to her eye level

"He getting bullied by to girls" king said laughing

"Yea I'll try to fix it but y'all gotta make sure she not with any other nigga" I said

"Will see what we can do but we going out today so you don't know what can happen" Myah said as the walked out the store

"I got faith in you Shawn but Fr everyone back to work" Chrissy said

30 minutes later

Chrissy was locking up before she asked "y'all wanna get food together"

"Yea" we said and went to the food court

"Meet back at this table" she said and we went our separate ways

I wasn't really hungry so I went to McDonald's to get some fries cookies and a drink

Before I walked out I was faced with Myah and Kay again

"What I do now" I asked

"Nothing your just gonna pay for Ty's food like a good boyfriend right" kay said with a evil smile

"Where she at" I asked

"Panda express" Myah said as they got in the line

I walked over to the Panda Express and saw ty

I walked up to her and handed the cashier a 20 before ty turned around

"You don't gotta pay for my stuff"

"But I'm going to" I told her

"Mmtch" she walked off with her food and I grabbed my change

I followed her to her seat. She sat down in the chair and started eating

I smacked my teeth before picking her up sitting in the chair then sitting her on my lap

"Stop" she said trying to get up and I was holding her down

"You stop you got these white people looking at us like we crazy" I whispered in her ear

"Mmtch fine but let me see you bag" she said I handed her my McDonald's bag

She took some of my fries before turning around and putting one in my mouth

"This bitch" Kay said walking to us along with the girls and Chrissy micheal and king

"What he holding me hostage might as well make it fun" ty said

"Ok what ever" Myah said looking at me before mouthing "kiss her"

Ty turn around to put some more fries in my mouth before I grabbed her by her neck and kissed her and she kissed me back before I pulled away

She smiled before turning back around to eat her food

Myah Ryan jazz and Kay gave me a thumbs up

"Well I gotta get home so I'll see you tomorrow D" micheal said and Chrissy and king waved before walking with him

"Micheals cute" ty said and I looked at her

"Don't play with me" I said

"Naw see you playing with yourself cause I'm still single nigga" she said

"No your not"

"Periodt" Myah and Ryan said making ty mug them

Kay looked at her phone the smiled before smirking at ty "they place we was finna go to got shoot up so we can't go no more. Shawn you take ty and jazz home and I'll take Myah and Ryan to my house"

"I wanna got to you house" ty said.

"No you don't" kay said getting up "jazz ugly ass sister making her come home when she should be with us but it's ok cause you gonna be texting us every detail right"

"Right" jazz said and we all get to the cars

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