Sixteen years later

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Another day for me to be bored and find nothing worth doing, I see no pleasure in playing with others nor learning how to control my spiritual energy flow, I am sick of this life, I wish I could ran away and live on my own, far from this so called family of mine, said Leo lying down on his bed early in the morning, "You're going to change this world one day kid, without you they're lost so please stay with them" said a strange voice, who's that? Asked Leo, who're you and what do you of me!? He kept on asking but he heard nothing and no one responded. Suddenly, someone knocked on his door, "knock knock!!.. you awake in there?!...breakfast's ready, Leo!!" shouted Zane, "I am sleeping and I desire no food nor drink" responded Leo at the other side of the door, "oh come on boy" said Zane while entering Leo's room. "how did you do that?!" wondered Leo, "well, keep in mind that I am the Dregzel's host, all I had to do was to take my spiritual form and walk through your door!" explained Zane filled with pride and self confident, then added “ hurry up and get ready, mother and father are already downstairs waiting for us”. After that Leo dressed up, took his bag and went downstairs...

“Hurry up young man, else you are going to be late for your final test”loudly said Annabel with a silvery voice. Leo went straight to the dinning hall where he found his whole family including the head maid and butler. There was enough food to feed an army, “special delicacies for special people”shouted the chef,“what makes us that special anyway, we are not that different from the people out there, we being nobles makes of us no gods”said Leo while dragging back the chair he sat on.

“Well, a good morning to you too, dear son”replied Annabel with a cold and threatening look on her face, “Umm good morning mother! How do you happen to be doing today?”answered the scared Leo, “ OH, I am fine dear, how do I look in my new outfit?!”asked Annabel with a ringing voice. “ Oh dear you look gorgeous, and that outfit is a perfect match for the magnificent woman that you are, that averagely tall and thin body of yours is absolutely the most attractive, oh goodness, I was lucky to get such a beauty, that adorable well crafted round head of yours, blessed with long red silky hair, cutely built nose, ears and lips, smooth and pleasant to the sight, dark eyes like the sky at night filled with all the stars of the universe”proud fully said Eckart with a plummy voice, “ oh god, father, she simply asked about her outfit not the overall look of her body, you could have simply said, ‘YOU LOOK GOOD DEAR’ or ‘THAT OUTFIT LOOKS GOOD ON YOU’but you went ahead and described her, lewd!!”said Leo with a disgusted look on his face , then he carried on “ thank god you didn’t go into details”, “ And what details are you talking about young man”coldly asked Annabel as she starred at Leo, “It’s about time we eat and start heading to school!, don’t you think?!”said Zane
Annabel: Oh you are absolutely right dear, hurry up and eat already
Leo: says the one who brought all this on!
Annabel: What was that?
Leo: Oh nothing, this breakfast is delicious as always, thanks for the meal
Eckart: Zane, I hope you’re prepared for the tournament
Zane: Aye father I am, though not so much prepared about knowing if Leo can actually be a spiritualist and become Dregzel’s host
Leo: Hey mind your own business
Eckart: worry not too much about that sons, Zane, just concentrate on the tournament, and Leo, fear not you will be fine
Leo: Yeah right I know that, Dregzel’s gonna be mine one of these days
Zane: seriously!!
Eckart: you need not Dregzel to become who you will be, Leo
Leo: what do you mean father, I need to be strong and I need her
“you will understand soon enough, when you’re 17 I will answer all questions you’ve got, come back in a year! “ said Eckart while leaving the table. “ Alright children go upstairs and gather all your school materials, and Leo, your uniform is actually clean, so please forget not to wear it as you always coincidentally don’t, and please be quick about it, it’s about time we start going, today’s a special day for you, and you’re going to look presentable even if I must take you to hell for that” said Paxton the head butler
Zane: he’s got you there
Leo: Oh please!!

Back to his room, Leo wears his uniform, takes bag, and start to read one of his books, then suddenly in front of him, a lion, surrounded by a golden aura, overflowing around its body, a majestic sight, Leo started shaking as their eyes met, with a slow pace, the lion walked close to Leo.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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