The Auditions

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Just so you guys know, this part is a bit longer then the first because all the dogs are auditioning songs! Love you all!

So once the big line finally ended, the contestants got in their positions. "OK, Lily the Australian Shepherd is first. One of the producers said. Lily gasped in shock after hearing this. "Isn't that great, Lily?! You can show everyone your amazing talent first. And you'll be the first dog that Brody sees." Mia laughed. Once Lily heard her say "Brody", she growled at her. "Just sayin'." Mia joked. "Well don't just say!" Lily said walking off onto stage. "Atta, girl!" Mia shouted from a distance. The she went to the seats. Luckily, she got a front row seat. "Welcome, ladies and gents, pups and pup-ets, this is Pup Star Australia!" Rover exclaimed. The whole audience cheered and clapped. "Now, we all know the rules; no cheating, sabotaging, lip syncing, voice fakering, and no stealing songs. We already know those rules by Julio and Bark." Rover said. Everyone started laughing. "Now, let's meet our judges! The amazing and stylish Lady Paw Paw! The small, but talented and no doubt she's cute... Tiny! The most chill dog in dog history, Dog Knarly! And last, but not least, Simon Growl. The dog everyone loves to hate." Rover said, introducing the amazing judges. The everyone started clapping. "So now, first up, is the Australian Shepherd puppy, Lily!" Rover exclaimed. Everyone started clapping.

After Lily was done singing, the whole audience clapped. "Thank you, thank you so much, all of you!" Lily yelled panting. "That's my girl!" Mia exclaimed. "Girl, when did you learn to sing like that?" Lady Paw Paw wondered. "In a good way or bad way?" Lily asked. "In an amazing way! You're a natural!" Lady Paw Paw exclaimed. "Few," Lily said. Tiny pressed her golden buzzer. Mia gasped in shock. "Congratulations, Lily! You got a golden bone! You should be proud!" "OMD, thank you so much, Tiny! You're my idol!" Lily said feeling like she was about to faint. She felt more like she was in a dream more than anything. The whole audience clapped and cheered including Mia. "I guess dreams really do come true..." Lily said, remembering what her mother had said. Then the rest of the contestants sang songs.

Once all the songs were over, the whole audience applauded. "And now, we wait to see who will be the next Pup Star! Rover said happily and loud.

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