Opposites Attract (A Harry Styles fanfiction)

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"That's why. "

"Oh my god Nicole are you okay?" Lindsey rushes over to me.

"Yeah but, " I tell her and nod towards Ryan. "Sam kind of knocked him out. "

Lindsey's eyes widen and she rushes over to where Ryan is, crouching down beside him.

"You fucking son of a bitch!" she yells.

When I turn to look at Sam, he is being pushed on top of the table by one of the cops.

"Do you understand me?" the cop yells in Sam's face.

Sam nods and the cop pulls him up, keeping a tight hold on him.

"Can we please get help?" Madison asks.

The officer talks into his little walkie-talkie and soon a bunch of paramedics are rushing into the house.

"We better get you out if here, I think you've caused enough damage. " The officer says and shoves Sam forward to walk.

"You're gonna pay for this bitch. " Sam sneers.

"Good luck with that when you're behind bars. " I smirk and cross my arms over my chest.

He scowls and I roll my eyes before hurrying over to Lindsey.

"He's gonna be okay Linds." I assure her.

She nods into my shoulder as she watches them pick up Ryan.

"I'm gonna go to the hospital. " She tells me and Madison and makes her way out the door with the paramedics.

I sigh once everyone is out of the house, sitting on a bar stool.

"How did he even get in?" Madison asks.

"I don't know. " I shrug. "All I know is that he hurt Ryan and he would've hurt me if I didn't text Linds or call the cops."

"Call Harry. "

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Nicole you aren't safe here, call Harry." she says firmly.

"But Ma-" I start.

"Just do it Nicole. " She yells and I nod and run upstairs to get my phone.

I dial Harry's number, impatiently waiting for him to pick up.

"Harry. " I breathe out once he picks up.

"Nicole, what's wrong?" he asks.

"It's Sam, he hurt Ryan and he wanted to hurt me but the cops and Madison and Lindsey got here in time." I explain.

"Wait he tried to hurt you? I swear I'm gonna-"

"Harry. I cut him off. "He broke in, I don't know how but he did. Madison said it isn't safe for me here, so she told me to call you. "

"So are you going to come back?" he asks.

"I don't know Harry." I say. "Probably, but I have college, how am I supposed to work when I'm halfway across the globe?" I wonder.

"You'll have to transfer to a college here, but your safety is my only concern right now and it's more important than school at this point. " I can picture him pacing around his room right now.

"You're right. " I nod although he can't see. "I need to come home, and until it's safe for me here again, I'm not coming back." I sigh.


"They have him in lockup but they're releasing him soon. "

"So what do I do?" I ask and sit on my bed.

"You have to leave, like as in a few days Nicole. " She tells me.

"Madison I don't even have a plane ticket, I need to pack all my stuff, I have so much to do. " I shake my head.

"Then get started, because I'm not gonna watch you get hurt by Sam. " She tells me and leaves me alone in my room.

I sigh, getting up and grabbing both my suitcases and travel bag, beginning to pack all my clothes into my suitcase. After an hour of shoving clothes into my suitcase, I'm done and I go into my bathroom to grab all my things. 

"Nicole are you-" Madison walks into my room and stops in the middle of her sentence once she sees me packing my toiletries and hair stuff. "I'll help."

"Thanks." I smile as she grabs all the things on top of my bed. I grab everything ontop of my drawer and on my shelves, placing them carefully in my other suitcase, along with all my pictures and everything else that was on top of my bed.

After about three hours of packing all my things, we are finally done. We ended up ordering panera since we didn't feel like actually going out and eating because there is literally like no point in doing that.

"Hey Linds." Madison says once Lindsey walks into the kitchen where we're nearly done with our food.

"Hi." she murmurs and leans on the wall.

"We got you your usual, its on the counter." I tell her and she smiles and walks over to the counter, taking her food out of the bag.

"So how's Ryan?" 

"Fine. " she answers. 

"Did something happen? You seem a little...weird." Madison says.

"Nothing happened its just that I want to beat the shit out of Sam because of what he did." she says.

We all continue eating in silence, until Madison and I are finished.

'Uh Lindsey." I say and sit back down.

"Whats up?" she asks.

"Madison, Harry, and I decided on something." I tell her.

"Well what is it?" she looks up at me.

"I'm, kind of moving back to England." I say.

"What? Why?" 

"Because its not safe for me here." I shake my head. "They're gonna release Sam soon and I can't worry about walking home or somewhere by myself or being here alone, thinking that he could be there."

"You're right" she nods. "But when are you leaving?"

"I want to like in a few days but I have stuff to do." I sigh.

"So lets go do it now." she says.


"Yeah." Lindsey nods. "Its only four, we have time."

Madison and I shrug and I run upstairs to grab my bag. When I walk back down, Lindsey is waiting by the door ready to go.

"Where are we going first?" Madison asks as she gets into the car.

"Campus." I reply and she nods as Lindsey pulls out of the driveway.

Once we make it to the campus, I walk straight to the office, asking for all the stuff to transfer. After I've signed everything, I make my way back outside where Lindsey and Madison are waiting in the car.

"Now all I need is a plane ticket." I sigh.

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