Chapter fifteen

Mulai dari awal

"Thank you. I can't live without coffee, honestly." Joe chuckled, the two headed out arm in arm. Emelia was on the counter, mixing up pancakes.

"We're making pancakes! And I'm very strong!" Dianne smiled, seeing her so happy. She leant her head on Joe's shoulder, gulping back a mouthful.

"Oh that sounds delicious, and wow you are, be careful not to spill any." She nodded, that very moment a drip going onto the counter, Dianne shaking her head while laughing.

"I jinxed it, didn't I?"

"It's fine, it's only a drip anyway. I think that's about done." By this point they were all in the kitchen, Joe checking the mix. "I'll start pouring it into the pan, it's very hot bearing in mind."

"In the pan...with Joe and Dianne, well, mama, but hey, it rhymes!" They both have approving looks, exchanging a grin.

After breakfast it was time to get ready for the day ahead, which meant Emelia getting ready for school. "Your things are in the spare room, can you put on your uniform please?" Dianne has just finished up the dishes, Joe and Emelia engrossed in a conversation about the greatest showman.

"Yep. I will go right now mama." She bounced into the spare room, simultaneous to Joe heading over to Dianne and embracing her from behind.

"What's that you were both on about? The greatest showman did you say?" Joe nodded, resting his head in her shoulder.

"Yeah, it's a movie musical about a man who gets a lot of unusual people to join the circus, it's really good though." She nodded, wiping her hands. She turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Maybe we should watch it one day, and no doubt she'll be singing it everywhere." Joe chuckled, the two in a comfortable silence. "She really loves her musicals you know."

"Oh does she, that's cool. I've never really seen one, they seem like a lot of fun though." Dianne nodded, having been to a fair few herself.

"They really are, But do you know what else is fun?" There was a hint in her voice, a cheeky grin plastered on her face alongside the hints in her eyes, she inched her lips closer to his.

"I don't know, this?" He asked before pressing his lips to hers, the feeling of them creating warmth throughout his veins. They deepened it together, smiling into it while their lips moved on one another.

"You do love each other! I knew it!" They both pulled away, slightly panicked. They both looked over, seeing her dressed and stood by the glass doors, giggling like crazy. Joe and Dianne realised that it was now or never. This was it. She nodded to Joe before calling Emelia over.

"Emelia, can you come over here please?" She nodded, making a shy way over. She had gone slightly quiet.

"Am I in trouble mama?" Dianne shook her head, picking Emelia up and resting her on her hip, brushing away a few of the blonde hairs that had fallen.

"No, you're fine angel. Yes, me and Joe do love each other." They exchanged a warm smile. "Very much."

"So are you boyfriend and girlfriend then?" Joe nodded to Dianne, who encouraged him to proceed with her own expressions. He took a small deep breath, finding his words.

"No, not yet. We wanted to make sure you were okay with it first, because it's important that you know what's going on." He took another breath, asking a question he never thought he'd ask.

"So is okay if I love your mummy?"

Without hesistation, she nodded. She had seen the way they had made each other happy, and she already thought the world of Joe. Relief and even more love filled both Joe and Dianne. She even almost cried, feeling a few tears rearing their heads.

"So, official?" Joe asked, Dianne nodded and wrapped her free arm around him, holding him tightly as if for dear life.

"Official." She put Emelia down, then going to kiss her boyfriend, who kissed his girlfriend back with equal love, which was a lot of love indeed. They pulled apart, holding each other close.

"I love you Dianne." She pecked his lips, the same magic never leaving.

"I love you too Joseph."

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