Chapter 21

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Dark Room:

Logan is on a chair tied to the chair

Logan: Jasmine? What are u doing?
Jasmine: I'm ganna kill your sister
Logan: WTF? WHY?
Jasmine: She kept me away from u!!
Logan: Is that why u never came back that night??
Jasmine: Yes, she didn't want us together
Logan: She, she wouldn't do that
Jasmine: Don't u believe me?
Logan: Well I don't think my sister would do that to me
Jasmine: Well she'll pay for what she did

*Jasmine leaves the room and drives off after locking the place Logan is kept in*

*With Mav and Sky*

Skyler: I love u Maverick
Maverick: I love u to Skyler
Skyler: But I always kinda thought u liked Brit instead of me
Maverick: Nah It just always felt like I was her older brother or somethin, ya know?
Skyler: Yea *laughs a lil*

*With Brit*
Britney: *Drives to the hospital* *Gets an message* *looks on phone*

*The message*
Mav: Okay, I finally did it, I asked Sky out
Brit: I am SO happy for u Mav!!
Mav: Well I was stressing ALOT
Brit: She was OBVI ganna say yes
Mav: Well I was still nervous
Brit: Whatever!!
Mav: Well what are u doin??
Brit: Going to the hospi- (message not sent)

*With Mav and Sky*
Mav: She isn't texting anything back but she's online
Sky: Oh no what if she's jealous of us
Mav: Nah, she ain't the jealous type
Sky: What if someone broke into her car, or worse!?
Mav: Don't worry, she's fine, okay?
Sky:  You sure?
Mav: I believe
Sky: I love u so much *Kisses Mav*

Doctor: Send ambulances out, there's been an car accident
Ambulance man: Of course doctor
Doctor: It was a HUGE crash so send out 5 ambulances  
Ambulance man: Of Course

*The Car Crash*

I made a mistake
I'll admit that...
I wasn't focusing and now me AND like 4 other cars came into a car crash
And it would be my fault if they die
And I will never forgive myself
Even if I might die aswell
I'm lying here...
Feeling my blood leaving my body...
It was a feeling like when you get a test that was REAL bad and your mom/dad had to sign it

I could see someone trying to get me out of my car
My eyes are swelling and my eyes are closing faster by the second.
There was a scrape on my forehead that burned REAL bad
I think there was a piece of the glass from my car's front seat window in my forehead.
I could see the ambulance from the corner of my eye helping a lil girl.
It looked like she was about eight and injured real bad
It BROKE my heart

After that everything went PITCH black..
My eyes couldn't open anymore
And I think my leg is probably broken, bc I could feel a hole going RIGHT threw my leg and it felt HORRIBLE
I was suffering!!

After a while like a few minutes that felt like hours
We arrived at the hospital, my eyes by that time already opened a lil
I see Sky trying to come near, but the nurse keeps pulling her away and struggled alot.
I burst into tears of the pain then see Cash's room and said goodbye in a whispering voice still crying
I said goodbye because I knew I wasn't ganna make it
I lost to much blood
I'm ganna get stitches in my forehead

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