Chapter 5

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Britney: Finnne...
Harry: Hey, you guys ready?
Cash: Oh dad they are living with us for... how long?
Britney: A month
Cash: A Month *he repeated acting like he knew from the start*
Harry: Oh uh ok, but two of you will have to share
Skyler: Me and-
Britney: ME will share
Harry: ok then come

**at their house**
*Britney and Skyker runs to their room that they wanted*
Cash: *Walks in* Uhhh this is my room
Britney; FUCKIT
Skyler: Bummer *sad face*
Britney: *Walks in next room* This one?
Cash: Uhhh this is Mav's room
Skyler: Ahhh *When everyone walks out she jumps on the bed then after a while she left with the others, but took a underwear that was laying on the floor and placed it secretly into her left pocket*
Britney: Were where you?
Skyler: Uhhhhh, Tripped
Britney: Ohh
Skyler: Yea lots of ups and downs in this house
Britney: *Laughs*

Harry: So you guys can share this room and the mother can have this room
Kat: Thank you
Skyler: Thanks
Britney: Yea thx
Harry: ok, yeah... no problem
Cash: And don't hesitate to ask if ya need somethin
Mav: Yup
**Someone enters**
???:*kisses Mav on cheek*
Skyler: *Eyes goes wide and gets jealous and mad at same time*
???:*kisses Cash on the cheek*
Skyler:*calms down and get confused*
???:*kisses Harry on the cheek and goes to the kitchen*
Britney: Who was that if I may ask
Cash: My girlfriend
Mav: *looks at Cash weirdly*
Cash: Jk she's my sister *laughs awkwardly*
Skyler: *finally breaths again* oh...
Britney: *Laughs*
Harry; well diners in 10 min
Mav: Did you cook dad? * worried*
Harry; No sorry I orders take outs
Mav:*Releaved* ohh ok
Cash: *happy * well lets go eat
Harry: 10 mins it still needs to get here
Cash: Aww
Britney:*walks to room and decorates it *
Skyler:*go's to room aswell and decorates the other half*

**9.5 mins later**
Cash:*comes in* Hey so we're getting ready to eat,wanna join?
Skyler +Britney; Sure
Harry: Get ready
**a honk outside**
Cash: YAY;foods here
Mav: Yay
Britney: finally
Skyler: *looks at mav*

**Harry gets the food and brings it in**

Cash: YAY ,I'll be first to say to me self, DIG IN
Britney: *laughs*
Cash: *Starts eating*

Rest of the people: *starts eating*

**After eating it's 8 pm now**

Britney: Okay I'm goin to my room
Kat: okay pumpkin
Britney: *Gets annoyed and walks to room*
Kat: *laughs*
Skyler: *looks at mav while walking up the stares and falls*
Mav: *Runs to her and helps her up* u ok?
Skyler: Mmmhhh ,jup ,yea ,why not, of course, sí ,oui ,sim , j-
Mav: ok ,ok I get it *laughs*
Skyler: *blushes* sorry
Mav: No problem*he walks to his room*
Skyler: *almost falls again but then Britney drags her by the arm to their room*

I'm ganna leave it here today
Love yall
And if you didn't know sí is yes in spanish,oui is yes in Frensh and sim is yes in Portuguese

Falling for Cash Baker [BEING EDITED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum