Chapter 7: First day

Start from the beginning

She then separated from Jason and now it was Izuku's turn.

Jason: *chuckle* What you going to do without me?

Izuku just rubs his neck with a smile.

Izuku: Probably a whole lot of nothing without you messing with me at home now.

They both then just leaned into each other and did a hard and tight bro hug patting each other's backs.

Jason: Hey when you're out there in U.A. just remember where you come from ok? It's what's going to prove you're the best of all of them out there. You're the best of all of us Izuku............. don't ever forget that.

Izuku took that to heart.

Izuku: Thanks.......... I promise I'll be a hero................... I promise to be good. Just try and not get too comfortable without me and mom around ok?

Jason and Izuku then let go of each other and Jason had a smirk on his face.

Jason: Oh please. You always mumble so much that its background noise to me. Without it it's going to be too quiet around there.

He then grabbed his stuff and started to leave out the door.

Jason: I love you guys.

Izuku/ Inko: we love you to.

In the streets in a cab car

Jason looks out his window to see Inko and Izuku on their floor balcony waving him off goodbye. Eventually he is on the road to his new home. However, it isn't at some new fancy school that accepts quirk less kids. He then got a text on his phone.

Toga text: Hey how far away are you?

Jason text: On my way there. Be there in about 45 minutes.

Toga text: GREAT can't wait to see you red.

In Toga's new home

Toga recently moved when Jason said he needed a new place to stay so he can come and go as Red Hood or Jason when moving around heading to U.A. So, she got some money (mostly from stealing from drug dealers and gang leader's stashes) and bought a new apartment. The place is pretty nice with an ACTUAL kitchen and then a living room with one small bathroom. Right now, though Toga is sitting on a kitchen counter waiting in front of the door. She did not have a happy face on right now. Jason then opened the door and walked in.

Jason: Hey Toga I'm-

He sees Toga and her face expression.

Jason: -here?






Toga: Your late.

Jason: I am?

Toga: You said 45 minutes it's been an hour.

Jason: Oh, um yeah hehe s-sorry.

Toga was now waiting for an answer.

Toga: Well?

Jason: Right sorry so I was walking here and a kid who was listening to country music was getting made fun of for wearing cowboy-

Toga just shook her head.

Jason: Ok ummm I was making my way down town walking fast-

Togas shakes her head again.

Jason: Nope ummm I was stopping a drug deal where they smuggled the drugs through stuffed endeavor toys-

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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