"Course I do Luffy! I mean your my--" She was cut off as Luffy kissed her this was the second time he kissed her beside that one time. "Shishishi. Your cute." With that Sora stood up from her spot as she grabs her towel she dry herself off. "Luffy do you want love is?" She asked. "I do. It's when two people like each other right?" He grin. "Yeah Luffy." Sora smiled before changing to her clothes. "Enjoy your bath captain. Oh you can use my bubble bath." As she grabs her music box off the ground then heads out of the bathhouse. Only get greeted by Robin and Nami who been listening to them. "You did this did you Nami?" Nami had an evil grin on her face. "I don't know what you're talking about Sora~" She walked away laughing. "Damn you Nami!" She shouted as Sanji called everyone for lunch.

Luffy just finished dressing himself he ran out of the bathhouse fast knocking Sora into Law who was standing there. "Damn captain!" Sora mutter as she stared up at Law with an blush on her face. "Sorry.." As she was about to walk away he grabs her by her wrist. "Do you really have feelings for that straw hat-ya?" He asked as he felt heart broken also. "What with everyone on this ship!" She blushed Law can't say no for an answer once he decides to make something his own. He going take it even if he had to beat up Luffy for it. "I never said I did! I just talking to myself!" She shouted at him as she pulled away only get pulled back into him. "I'll win this fight." He whisper before walking away leaving Sora in the hallway.

After lunch time Sora decided to stay in the girl room she did not want deal with the two captains who both have crushes on her! why dose this happen to her why her? Then sudden Zoro shouted there was an island up head. "Thank god maybe I can get some air now!" As she fixed her raven hair into an ponytail before leaving the cabin. Once everyone left beside Zoro who was ask to watch the ship Sora heads off on her own to see what she can do about this problem of hers.

All she wanted have an sea adventure! she did promise Luffy she would have fun the thought of her captain made her heart raced again. 'Damn it all' since lunch time Law made an allies with Luffy to take down Kaido. This was going fun for her at least for while as she walked down the street passing few shops as she spotted an sports shop in the window was pair of roller blades she entered the store as she bought the black/pink roller blades. Once she  bought some safely pads she put them on as she removed her shoes then put on the roller blades.

The raven haired women takes off down the street in speed shouting 'WOOT' as she rolled through the streets of the island. As she rolled passed Law who was in shocked by Sora who was doing tricks on her roller blades. "That girl going kill me." He mutter before following after her at least she was having fun. "Sora-ya! Be careful! I don't need you hurting yourself!" He shouted. "You worried too much! I'll be fine! I use do this all the time!" As she skated away as she skated passed Luffy who was buying meat his eyes turned into stars upon Sora skating. "I WANT TRY!" The rubber man started to run after Sora leaving Chopper and Usopp alone. "LUFFY!" They both shouted.

Sudden Sora felt an hand on her side she notices it's was Luffy who was stretch himself at Sora's backside sudden he smacked into her cause her to go to fast. "AHHHH! LUFFY!" The girl screamed in fear as she skated into nearby forest dodging the trees. "WE GOING GET KILLED!" Sora shouted as Luffy was laughing as he was having fun. "This not funny Luffy!" She snapped at him. "TREE!! LUFFY!" Sudden an blue bubble appeared around her then she vanished with Luffy on her back appeared back in the streets near the forest. "Let do that again!" Luffy shouted as Sora smacked him. "NO Let not!" She shouted at her captain who was frowning. "That was fun! I want go again!" Sora glared at him Luffy shut up after that. "Thanks Law" As she flopped down on the ground. "You most got her killed you baka." Law wasn't happy as Sora removed her skates from her feet. "I think that enough of that for now." As she pick up the skates into her hands. As she started walking away sudden she limp down she did not know that Luffy's little down hill got her leg all cut up.

"Sora!" Law notices the wounds on her leg. "That  Baka.." He mutter as he pick her up then placed her on his back. "I'm going take her back to ship and do first aid. Go back and get the others." He told Luffy who wasn't happy about the order he wanted carried Sora! "Don't order me around!" He growled before heading off to fine his friends. As he returned to the ship with Sora he heads to Chopper's place he placed the girl on the bed as he grabs the first aid as he started to treat her wounds. "It's not that bad. Why did you bought those?" He asked. "I wanted too. I love to skate and ice skate also." She explained with an blush. "Oh. I see. Maybe next time I can join you." He smirked as he wrapped her wounded up.

"I don't mind. It be fun with another person. Who don't try to kill me." She mutter about Luffy that baka can be mindless at times but he still Luffy. As the rest of the crew turned to the ship Chopper rushed in to check on Sora. "She be fine. I taken care of her." As Law walked out the room as Chopper stared at Sora for moment. "Are you alright?" He asked. "I'm fine Chopper." She hugged the little reindeer as she let him go then heads out of the cabin As she returned to her own room shutting the door behind her. "That was worst... But still" She smiled as she had an grand time even if Luffy dose something stupid.

What Happen to ME?! - (OC x Luffy)Where stories live. Discover now