"Hi, I'm Embry", his face reddens as he realises he was already introduced by Jacob and I laugh  as I watch a smirking Jared nudge him. "Like Jacob said, I'm Aelin. It's nice to meet you's". 

"Well, we best be going. Sam's holding that meeting remember?", Quil nudges Jacob as I stare at the almost mesmerised Embry in front of me, a small smile still on my face. I advert my attention to Jacob before I flick my head towards the house, "I have to unpack my stuff anyway, so I'll see you guys around?" 

"Definitely, see you around Aelin", the four boys begin to walk away as I begin to walk towards my porch, not before looking over my shoulder to see Embry doing the exact same thing.


Making a small pyramid of boxes in the medium sized room that was my childhood bedroom, I take some time to look out the window, to observe my surroundings.

My grey eyes flicker between the houses and the large trees that have grown behind them, no one seems to be out and there are hardly any cars on the road. I remember it being quiet, but not like a ghost town.

A pitter-patter of paws brings me back from my nosey activities, turning around I see Sooty sitting on my unmade bed. A soft smile is etched on my face as I sit next to him, his black and white patched fur feeling so much more comforting than it usually does. I stay there stroking the Cocker Spaniel for few more minutes before I decide that I should go downstairs in case I'm needed.

I tap my leg once I stand up and surely enough, Sooty gets off my bed as we both begin to walk down the dark oak stairs. I hear an unknown voice in the kitchen, so I make a bee-line to the room so see what's going on.

Walking into the small L-Shaped Kitchen, I see a police officer leaning against the countertop with a cup of tea in his hand with my dad mirroring his actions opposite. I look towards my dad who smiles at me, "Aelin, this is Chief Swan, he wanted to pop in and say hello". I look towards the man in uniform and I give him a smile, a shy one at that.

"Nice to see you again Aelin, you can just call me Charlie though. I can't believe how much you've grown up, I remember seeing you playing in the mud when you was little. Sue Clearwater and I used to look after you, do you remember?", Charlie gives me a genuine smile before taking another sip of his drink.

I flick the switch on the kettle before nodding, "Yes I vaguely remember, I used to play with your daughter, Bella?" I grab a mug and place a tea bag and a spoonful of sugar in it as I turn around once more, "It's nice to be back Charlie, how's everything with you?"

Charlie smiles, remembering the memories he had with the short blonde girl, "I've been okay, same old same old in this town", he chuckles before taking another sip of his hot drink before continuing, "Bella on the other hand isn't doing too well, her boyfriend just picked up and left and she's honestly a mess. I don't know what to do, I've tried everything y'know?"

I nod my head as he explains what's going on, feeling pity for his daughter, I remember Bella being a quiet girl but we still had some fun memories together. "I could always pop round to visit her if you'd like? So she has someone to rant to? Or even if she needs company", I pour the hot water into the mug as well as a couple of drops of milk, making sure the tea is strong. "Everyone needs company when something like that happens", I continue as I take the tea bag out and placing it on the tea bag sourcer.

Charlie smiles as my dad nods, agreeing with what I said. "That's a good idea, thank you Aelin, that means a lot. Maybe tomorrow you could come round? I'm working and it just worries me when she's home alone up to god knows what". I nod in reply with a smile, it'll be good to start talking to people I once knew again.

I stay in the kitchen as Charlie catches us up with what's going on within Forks. There's been a few animal attacks which have resulted in some people being killed, making me nervous, but then again I do have to get used to living in such an rural area again. 

Charlie leaves about an hour after my mum comes back with some food shopping, so I help her organise that in our new kitchen before I venture back into my bedroom, and I start to unpack my belongings.

I keep my door open so I can hear the conversation my parents have, and Sooty comes into my room once more with Moose and Willow following. I decided to sit on the floor this time once I've finished furnishing my room as Willow is too old to get up onto my bed. I take turns stroking the Cocker Spaniel and Liver-Spotted Dalmatian as Moose as made himself at home on my bed, out of arms reach, his snores fill the otherwise silent room.

I answer some messages from my friends back in England, before I fall back into the plush desk chair, turning towards the dogs as a sigh leaves my lips. 

"We're taking it day by day, darlings. Day by day". 

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