Field Trip (Pt. 2)

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     Aaaaaaaaaaannndddd now, I am sitting here. On a bus. In. Front. Of. Where. I. Work.

     Exciting, no?

     Earlier this morning, May had rushed me out of my apartment way too quickly, because she was really excited about my field trip. If I remember correctly, she had called it, "A good bonding experience between a mentor and a 'mentee.'" I think she thinks I'm going to walk around all day with Mr. Stark, explaining everything to the class and acting all superior. Like I have that kind of confidence.

     Well, as it turns out, I don't have that kind of confidence. That's why I fully intend to stick to the middle of the pack. Hiding my face and not letting my classmates get suspicious is a goal for the day, and I would very much like to accomplish it.

     The probability of actually accomplishing said goal, however, is another story.

     The teacher rounds us up and we make our way off of the bus, and to the front entrance of a high tower, with a big "A" on it. Originally it was part of "STARK," but after Thanos's first attack on the city, the other four letters got knocked down. Now the "A" stands for "Avengers."

     Looking up, I take in the familiar surroundings. The lush grass that encircles the building makes the whole place seem a bit more modest and natural. Although the tower is beautiful, though, I still have the feeling like it is going to collapse on me if I look up. Which is kind of sad coming from Spider-Man's mouth, but I can't help it! Tall buildings freak me out.

     Our teacher does a headcount, and then motions for us to follow him. I don't really like him. Mr. Harrington is out sick, so we're stuck with a sub. His name is Mr. Locke, and he's fat (That's not one of the reasons Peter doesn't like him), short (Also not one of the reasons), mean, and has a permanent resting biAtch face. When he did the attendance before we left, he called Ned "Need Leds," and when I politely pointed out his mistake, he became very, very angry, going on about how, "Kids these days are so defiant," and, "What did I do to deserve this job," and, "You better keep your trap shut." All that fun stuff. The last comment had my temper rising, but I took pity on that lump in a jacket and kept calm. So, now he hates me, hates Ned for being associated with me, and for some odd, twisted reason, favorites Flash. He does only call him Eugene, however, which Flash does not appreciate, but he won't say anything that could jeopardize his good standings, so he keeps his mouth shut real good and sucks up Mr. Locke.

     On top of all that, Flash has got all the kids making fun of me. Since none of them believe me about the internship, I have been hearing comments all about how funny it'll be when I'm proven a liar and Tony Stark won't give me a second glance. I don't really care, I've been getting crap like that all year, but I'm worried about their safety if one of the Avengers overhears. A problem they've all seemed to have developed is that they are super overprotective. Which was nice for a little while, but now it's gone so far that they're holding me back on missions and literally monitoring my every move in the suit. Mr. Stark added this really stupid upgrade to my suit, where if I'm going too fast for too long, it goes into autopilot mode, where the outside of my suit becomes electrically charged, and it takes me to the top of the building and makes me rest, and zaps anybody who touches me. I seriously hate it, but I can't hack my way out of it. Ned won't help me either, because he, and I quote, "actually quite appreciates it and is glad someone is keeping his best friend from, 'blowing up' or, 'getting stabbed' or, 'falling 200 feet onto an old lady.'" That's some seriously stupid crap in my book.

     Okay, no joke, this is a super overprotective instance that actually happened. So, I was a little bit past curfew doing my nightly rounds (it was 3:00 A.M.), and I kinda-sorta forgot to tell the Avengers that I was still alive in all the madness. Someone please knock some sense into Cap's thick, boomer skull that I can't exactly call him while stopping a bunch of lowlifes from robbing a bank, please? But, anyway, when I forgot to tell them, all the Avengers suited up and patrolled the city to find me. The man with the really cool metal arm (Who I later found out was named Bucky) found me and cornered me in an alley, literally held me down while Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers lectured me on the importance of safety, and the whole time Ms. Romanoff and Mr. Falcon were trying to shove several Gatorades down my throat so that I could "re-hydrate." Actually insane. Then Mr. Stark didn't quite feel like that was enough, and called Aunt May so that she could lecture me over the phone, ground me, and then revoke my Spider-Man privileges for the rest of the night.

Field Trip to Stark Industries- Peter Parker/ Spider-ManWhere stories live. Discover now