Alessa (Alex's POV)

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Aaron just called me to say that the twins are coming over this afternoon and that we should all go somewhere together. I figured I might as well vlog because we might do something fun today.

"New, new vlog is out.... So today we are starting the vlog with breakfast which I never do but we gonna do it anyway!"

I just finished vlogging my breakfast making and I decided I would book the tickets for the carnival. I figured since seen that Nessa is coming I want to look hot so I am going to wear my shorts and a tank top with some chains around my neck and a Wassabi cap.

I open the door to a smiling Nessa and Roni who are eagerly waiting to be welcomed into the house. Nessa looks to beautiful - I can't stop starring. She's wearing shorts too and a cropped hoodie. She leans in for a hug and I feel her hoops brush against my chest.

"Hey Alex." She says just as she pulls away from the hug and gently pulls a dude from next to the open door. "This is Jordan. Thought it might be nice to bring him along." She says making me stop dead in my tracks and not realizing that 'JoRdAn' is holding a hand out for me to shake. 

"Alex? haha" Nessa giggles hinting towards his outstretched hand,

"Oh. ha, sorry. Hi I'm uh...Alex"

"Nice to meet you."

"Can we come in?" Roni asks slightly impatiently.

"Oh hey Roni" Aaron says nudging me out of the door way and over to hug Nessa and then hugs and spins Roni. " Come on in guys." He says leading everyone in as he holds Roni's waist and the two of them follow in.

Everyone is chilling around the house and Nessa and JoRdaN are sitting at the counter next to each other and she is laughing so hard it's hard to watch. I pull my hand into a fist just as Aaron and Roni come out of the room with the car keys, he spins the keys around his finger

"Ya'll ready to go?" he asks taking Roni's hand and heading towards the garage - God they need a room * rolling eyes*

"Alex? Are you sure you're okay?" I hear Nessa as I feel her hand rub up my arm gently, I place my other hand onto hers and smile at her, "Ya haha, why not?"

We get into the car and Roni gets into the passenger seat with Aaron. I jump into the backseat and Nessa follows behind me - I smile - and then JoRdAAANN!!! climbs in behind her. She giggles as he scoots closer to her and makes her shift over further, causing me to be pushed into the door.

I decide I only have one other thing that could make things seem less awkward and as though I am 5th wheeling with these four. I pull out my camera and switch it on. Immediately as I began  talking everyone becomes more tense and aware, Aaron lets go of Roni's hand and Nessa and J part away from each other, which only makes and uncontrollable smile spread across my face.

I vlog most of the car ride, even though I will probably cut out most of the footage, as long as it stops Nessa and J from flirting like they're in fourth grade. We finally get to the carnival and I pull out the camera once again and take footage for a montage, I ask Nessa to be in one of the shots and Aaron helps with the camera since Matt wasn't available today (because he had to go film for Lauren) I pick her up and spin her around and Aaron and Roni cheer us on as he continues to get great footage. I smirk as I see JordAAn! standing next to them rolling his eyes. I decide to make it even better and I peck Nessa on the cheek.

Eventually we finish getting a whole bunch of footage and decide to go get some ice-cream. We have already been on all the rides now and we're very hungry. Aaron volunteers to go walk around the place with Roni to go and find a good place for us to eat and so Nessa, J and I keep walking around until we stop at a game booth. Nessa looks at the stuffed kitty and her eyes immediately widen. She rushes over to the front and giggles as she asks for the tickets. She jogs back to us excitedly and ushers us towards the booth. She hands me a ticket and the dude standing there says we can start. Nessa goes first and misses two shots but hits one and gets a small teddy bear stuffy. J goes next and misses all three I laugh so hard and regret not filming all of it.  My turn to go and I somehow miss all three, I move my tongue around my front teeth feeling embarrassed and I laugh and just as I do so Nessa starts to laugh too and I walk over to her and punch her lightly in the arm,

"Heyyyy stop!" I tell her playfully, "Just STooopppp! hahahahaha" I say to her as she holds her tummy from all the laughter.

Jordan looks me dead in the eyes, "Rematch?" he asks quite sternly, me, being back in a playful mode by Nessa, I reply jokingly, "Jeez dude. You think you can beat me??!!" I say jokingly putting my face in his.

We play four rounds and we are now tied, my phone starts to buzz in my pocket and I read Aarons name on the caller ID.

"Was up boiiii??"

"Alex, Roni and I found a really nice restaurant, they sell Mexican food. I'll send my location now and we're going to get a table okay meet us here?"

"Okayyy Boooiiii" I reply as I end the call and almost feel Aaron rolling his eyes at me on the other side of the phone.

Arriving at the restaurant we spot Roni and Aaron at one of the corner booths with drinks, we walk over to them and as soon as we sit down a waitress comes over to collect our orders.

"This restaurant is on that dope dope doo." I say onto the mic of my camera I'm holding up into the air and everyone smiles into the camera and waves, our food arrives and I video all of it.

It is around 8:00pm and we are on our way home. The twins said that we needed to drop J off at his house and that their dad would pick them up from us. We dropped him off and it was finally just Nessa and I. Roni and Aaron were caught up in their own conversation, Nessa was slowly falling asleep  so I shifted closer and put my arm around her and let her rest her head on my shoulder and I handed one of my earphones - I played 'waves - Dean Lewis'.

When we arrived home Aaron and Roni went inside and I was left in the car alone with Nessa resting on my shoulder. I woke her up gently and when she did she looked me deep in the eyes and we smiled at eachother. We suddenly started to get closer...and closer.. until my hand was eventually wrapped in her hair and our noses were rubbing against each other, she leaned in even closer. I stopped her,

"What about....Jordan?" I ask feeling stupidly kind.

"What about him? What does he have to do with this?" she whispered sweetly back to me. "Jordan and I are just friends Alex" She said softer, giggling.

"Great!" I said laughing softly and reached in an kissed her soft lips, and just as I did so the next song began to play in our ears, 'Someone to you - Banners.'

Authors Note


Thanks for reading. This one-shot was slightly different as there was actaully conflict and everyhting wasn't all bubbly haha.>>>

Anyway let me know if you prefer it like this or do still like the happy, perfect stories!!!

Thanks for reading this far - if you did comment down below 'Pineapple'

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Love Aaliyah xx

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