" what do you mean?" I asked

" I know where Y/N is.." she said

" but...if you want to see her again, just do me a little favor.." she said as she came closer.

She kissed me.

Your POV


" TAEHYUNG DOESNTVLOVE YOU AND CARE ABOUT YOU! SEE!" He said as he opened the vans curtain as I saw Taehyung kissing sana.

My heart sank.

I thought he loved me..
Who am I kidding?
We were forced.
So it is not true love..

I looked down as tears builded up.

" I am sorry Y/N I am just trying to protect you.." taeil said as I sighed.

" okay, it's fine, besides we were forced to marry.." I said as I sighed looking down

Taeil's POV

Okay why am I starting to feel bad?

She loved him as much as I loved her.

But it's over between us.

I don't care I want her to be happy..

Oh my god I shouldn't have agreed.

Sana is just an evil witch.

I have to help her.

" come on.." I said as I unleashed her from the chair.

" what?" She asked.

" come with me.." I said as I gave her a hat and got her out of the van.

" where are we going?" She asked.

" wanna come to my house?" I asked her as she hesitated but nodded.

Taehyung's POV

I quickly pushed Sana away.

" Sana! Stop it I dont like you! I love Y/N!" I said

" *sighs* fine then!" She said as left stomping away as I completed looking for Y/N.

Your POV

As we got to Taeil's house and entered.

It still didn't change..

I sighed as I sat on the couch.

" I didn't find you anything but I have this shirt, you used to wear it a lot." He said as we both smiled.

" thank you.." I said as I headed to the bathroom and changed.

" still comfy.." I whispered to myself as I hugged myself.

I headed out and sat on the couch.

" wanna watch something?" He asked as I nodded, started watching some k-drama.

" so, are you tomorrow going to Taehyung's house?" He asked as I sighed.

" I'll think about it.., but why are you suddenly so nice to me?" I asked looking at him.

" it's because I knew you loved him by the way you look at him, and I knew that when I spend my life with you, I knew that feeling, so I decided not to ruin it for you both, but suddenly-I don't know why I agreed with Sana.." he said as he looked down.

I went and hugged him.

" thank you, for your help.." I said as he kissed my head.

" anytime, a note: you better go back home tomorrow, it's because Taehyung will be worried a lot.." he said as we pulled away.

Forced marriage/KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now