Jason X

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On Earth II, one out of many of places and landmarks that was recreated due to Earth's uninhabitedness was now surrounded by the military of all branches.

A place called Camp Blood. Now a place where people go to pay respects to those who were murdered and see the history of US's most infamous murder grounds of all time.

And even though the military had the most advanced weapons and equipment, they were still being slaughtered. It was becoming roughly impossible to eliminate their target, Jason Voorhees, or in this case Über Jason, with manpower and firepower.

The only option left was to drop a nuke so powerful, it would exceed Russia's Tsar Bomb, back in the mid 20th century.

That was until blue electricity appeared right in front of the military. The military had stopped what they were currently doing, and aimed whatever they had towards the unexplained phenomenon. From there, the electricity started to get bigger and more powerful. And after 2 agonizing minutes, the electricity expanded and opened up.

Only for a man to appear. The man, if it even was one, had green armor that covered the wearer completely, except for his exposed biceps that was the equivalent to that of a bodybuilder. A blade attached to his left wrist. And a cannon of some sort, leaning over his left shoulder.

As the military kept their weapons aimed at the new visitor, a majority started to shake under pressure. Without even looking at them, they could feel the anger. The hatred. And the unadulterated rage.

The Slayer, turned around to see hesitant soldiers pointing their guns at him. But he wasn't fazed in the slightest. He then sweeped his surroundings to see that they had the area surrounded. But not for him.

"Slayer, it appears that the presence of the Icon of Sin effected the Slipgate and sent us to another reality that is beyond our own." VEGA, the AI, had said.

"Hmm, realities outside our own. Truly fascinating." Dr. Samuel Hayden said intriguingly.

The Slayer growled in annoyance of both being in yet another universe and hearing Hayden's voice. "If you could give me some time, I could be able to reconfigure the Slipgate manually, thanks to the Seraphim and the Wretch." VEGA suggested.

Slayer grunted, agreeing with his AI friend.

Slayer turned around by hearing the sound of footsteps. He saw that it was a bald dark skinned man with healed 3rd degree burns all over his face. He also had an eyepatch covering his right eye. Suggesting what ever severely burned him, also destroyed his eye.

The man walked up to The Slayer. The Slayer could see that this man showed no fear. That earned The Slayer's utmost respect.

This man looked at him up and down. Studying him. For a couple of seconds before pulling out his hand, and The Slayer shook it.

"I'm Sgt. Brodski. I don't know where you exactly came from, but you just appeared in the middle of a warzone." The man said before walking past him. Slayer kept his eyes trained on him and followed.

"We're facing something so evil that it has killed 146 people in the 20th, 21st, and now in the 25th century. Jason Voorhees has died a hand of times in the past but he just kept coming back, until he was cryogenically frozen. But recently, some dumbass thought it would be best to take him and sell him just so he could get some credits."

In his anger, The Slayer clenched his knuckles. The audible sound of his knuckles cracking was so loud, Sgt. Brodski stole a quick glance at the unknown.

Then they both stopped to see soldiers throwing everything they had at the so called Jason. Slayer could see bodies all over the place. Reminding him how he would kill demons and throw them away and move on to the next one. Slayer then studied Jason's features.

Jason has a chrome mask that is strapped around his face like a hockey mask. His upper right torso was chrome, while the left was black. The same could be said about his legs but in reverse.

Slayer growled lowly, and placed a hand on Sgt. Brodski's left shoulder before walking towards Jason. Brodski nodded in an understanding, before turning back and getting on his earpiece.

"All units, tactical retreat, but stay where you could see Jason. We might be able to end this nightmare." Sgt. Brodski ordered.

As the soldiers began to leave, there were only 2 people on the battlefield. As they stared at each other, they both tilted their head to the side and then brought their head upright. Slayer looked at Jason's chrome machete and activated his wrist blade.

Jason narrowed his eyes, tightened his grip on his machete, and began to walk towards The Slayer. Slayer also started to do the same thing, until they both started to speed walk with power and a purpose.

They both raised their weapons and swung at each other with so much force, their collision caused a small shockwave that pushed the dirt from up under their feet.

Slayer then proceeded to force Jason's arm further to the right, but Jason grabbed The Slayer's throat with his free hand.

Slayer gripped the hand and got ready to use it for his advantage. He sweeped Jason off his feet with his left leg, which caused Jason to instantly let go, and The Slayer swung his right fist towards Jason's face with so much force that Jason's body made a small crater.

Slayer looked down at Jason to see that his mask now had a fist imprint on it. Blood had started to leak profusely, given how Jason's face was now caved in. His leg was also bent. Considering how much little strength The Slayer used, he's surprised the Killer was even still active.

'I guess I got hit harder.' The Slayer thought to himself.

Jason's red eyes stared at his enemy with hatred and started to try and get up. But he was pushed back down. He looked up to see The Slayer's foot on his chest.

Thinking that he was another super soldier or militarized cyborg, he swung his machete at his foot, only for it to have no affect. Jason tilted his head in confusion. He then kept trying to cut his leg off, only for his machete to break.

The Slayer then proceeded to slowly sink his foot down in Jason's chest, destroying his internal organs. He then leaned down and grabbed Jason's head, twisting it, and yanking it off his body. He stared into the eyes of the killer before sinking his thumbs into his eye sockets and ripping his head in half with his bare hands.

This gave The Slayer an idea.

'If this killer can just keep coming back, I might as well destroy his body. Permanently.' The Slayer thought.

As The Slayer threw the split head down onto the body, he scanned the area for a high ground and saw a building with a good enough height and range. He walked towards the building and started to climb up with great speeds.

After pulling himself up, he turned around and looked at the distance between him, the body, and the soldiers. He then pulled out his BFG, aimed it at the body, and pulled the trigger.

The green ball of argent energy flew in the air, emitting green electricity, and hitting the body. The body began to be liquified and dissolve into nothing.

After a couple of seconds of the body being completely gone, the soldiers cheered in excitement.

"Slayer, I have developed and included a new feature to your Praetor Suit. You now have the ability to use the Slipgate anywhere and time as you wish. But be cautious, without set coordinates, we will be traveling throughout infinite realities to find our own." VEGA had informed.

The Slayer grunted in appreciation, before turning his head to see Sgt. Brodski looking at him with hands behind his back. Sgt. Brodski nodded with a smirk. And The Doom Slayer nodded right back.

Slayer then turned his head up and saw an unknown amount of stars throughout the night sky

'Alright, let's go see where we off too next.' The Slayer thought as he manually used the tether to go through a sea of realities to find his own.

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