17 | Let Me Sleep Beside You

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From now on when I emphasise a word like this, it means there's ... y'know... stuff coming, so just beware, or get excited, I don't know what you're into. Like hawt stuff

1957, July
I gulped when our eyes met. I turned around, feeling my cheeks burn up. I started for the parlor where I had seen an array of pretty looking books, thinking I could busy myself there while Paul took care of whatever he needed to.

I found a seat on a chair in the corner of the room and picked up a random book. I heard footsteps going down the hallway and up the stairs, a bit of mumbling and then a door shutting.

The book was about advanced knitting patterns. I quickly threw it to the side seeing the sky was darkening. I let out a yawn as I stood up and headed for the guest bedroom.

Once I had climbed up the stairs I began hearing muffled noises from the loo. All I could do was let my face redden as I made it through the hallway.

The guest room bed was big and really comfortable. I laid my back on it with a sigh and I could feel myself sinking into the duvet and the soft mattress. My aunt could certainly afford some luxury, even for her guests.

I stretched my legs out and just then it sounded as if a pair of shoes had screeched on a stop by the doorway like in the cartoons. I sat up quickly, seeing Paul was looking at the floor, quietly trudging to sit on the other side of the bed.

"Bloody hell, Ann." He muttered into his hands. My eyebrows furrowed as I began to take of my socks. We'd probably have to sleep in our clothes.

"I-Is it intentional?" He asked. I was very confused at his question. What did he mean 'was it intentional'?

"Is your goal a bleeding throbber?" Paul gritted his teeth. I ignored his statement for second as I crawled beneath the covers, though at this point I knew exactly what he meant. I sat up against the headboard and watched as he slowly turned his head my way.

"This is the third time." He finally muttered. "-today. And my hand is already tired."

He stayed silent for a little while, keeping his hands in his lap in an attempt to hide what I knew was already there. "I don't understand why it's today." He murmured.

"Maybe when we kissed- 'cause I mean, I've seen you... well." He blushed. "And I've held you close and all that, but- maybe that's just all I needed, y'know?

"I sound so bleeding philosophical, but I think that's it. After this morning I've started thinking about you a whole lot more, noticed you in a way.

"And all this rubbish about me dad- don't really care for him anymore to be honest. What I mean to say is I really really like you, Ann, and I-I think y-you're pretty." He said the last part in a shy whisper.

I didn't know how to react. I didn't think my feelings were mutual. When I heard him say all this, a slightly familiar heat began pooling at the bottom of my stomach. He thought I was pretty?

"I'm sorry." Paul quickly tried to excuse himself, but I stopped him by taking a hold of his hand. He turned his head, reluctantly meeting my eyes.

"I think you're pretty, too."

His eyes widened as I dragged him onto the bed with me. "I think you're very handsome." His cheeks reddened, and as did mine. "If you want-" I gently cupped his face in my hand. "-I'll take care of that for you."

I didn't believe his eyes would go any wider, but they did. "W-what do you mean?" He gulped.

"I mean I'll only wank you." The confidence that suddenly seemed to ooze out of me was surprising to say the least, though I liked having it with me.

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