Its worm time babey

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"Oh this is gonna be so fucking great..." You whispered to yourself as you cut open your newly acquired Amazon package.

After agressivley tearing open the bubble wrap that kept you and your deffinetly-not-an-impulse-buy separated, you were met with what's probably the greatest sight known to man.

Worm on a string

You bought a fuck ton of worm on a string and you have no idea what the fuck you're gonna do with them...

Just kidding you're gonna dump them all in Kokichi's locker tomorrow.

Y'know when your friend said "I don't know, give him a gift or something?" This probably isn't what they meant. You weren't exactly the most conventional person, but I mean, neither is Kokichi so it'll probably be fine.

Speaking of Kokichi, the boy had somehow managed to steal your heart in the few months you attended school together. You always found yourself smiling like an idiot whenever you were graced with his presence. Playing along with his antics and jokingly pretending to believe his lies was way more entertaining than it's worth. Maybe you two were considered friends? Who knows.

But you did know he loves to play pranks on people.
And you were no exception.
Though compared to his usual stunts, what he did to you was rather tame. You particularly enjoyed the time he quietly slipped tiny plastic dinosoars into your pockets, bag, and locker throughout the day, leaving you very amused and slightly confused. You may or may not still have those dinosoars...

Anyways, this is your time to get him back.

You removed the individual packaging the worms came in and chucked them in a bag in preparation for tommorrow. You get to school about 7 minutes before he does, and I mean, you could probably unpack all of them in that time, but there's no harm in being safe. Also, you didn't exactly trust your mediocre lock picking abilities to save you any time getting into his locker. You decided to leave a note expressing the amount of effort you put into this.

"I learnt how to lockpick just to do this, you better appreciate it >:("



It's time

You walked into school, greeted Maki, Kiibo and Tsumugi (They arrive before you), and dropped off your stuff in your locker. Grabing the bag as well as your cheap-ass lock picking tools that should (?) work fine on a cheap dollar store lock, you headed to Kokichi's locker.

"Uhh, (Y/N), may I ask what your doing?" Kiibo asked.

"Living life to the fullest," you responded simply, grabbing kokichi's lock and getting to work.


That was kinda easy

"Uhhh (Y/N), this seems like an invasion of privacy..." Kiibo worried, lacing his fingers together nervously.

"Don't worry about it, this is gonna be great"

Kiibo was kinda scared of what your definition of 'great' was.

Anyways, it's worm time.

You took a few handfuls of the worms and chucked them in his locker.

"What are those???" Kiibo questioned, his face adorning a more and more distressed look by the second as he eyed the colourful mass of fuzz now laying in the bottom of Kokichi's locker.

"Worm on a string," You explained simply, handing him one from the bag.

He examined the worm on a string with a look of confusion that was fucking priceless. Putting a hand over your mouth to muffle your laughter, you turned back around and wound some of the worms around the hooks in the locker. You taped the rest to the interior walls, as well as the note you wrote.

Faint conversation, laughter, and what you assumed to be Tenko angerly yelling at one of the boys met your ears and you realised they would be here soon. Quickly closing the locker, you gave Kiibo a quick glance.

"Dont tell anyone," You grinned. He looked at you in mild distress but didn't say anything. You assumed he would cooperate.

You casually walked to your locker, pretending you had always been there as the group of people came around the corner. The group was lead by Tenko, quickly ushering a disgruntled looking Himiko away from the crowd, followed by Miu, bugging Shuichi about one of her new invention ideas as he not so subtly tried to get away. You scanned the remaining few people, Rantaro, Kirumi, Angie and...

Target acquired

Kokichi, listening to Gonta talk about what could only be bugs, seeing how enthusiastic he looked. It seemed that Kokichi had excused himself, making a promise (that he isn't likely to keep) to continue the conversation later.
He pulled the key to his lock out of his pocket, unlocked the door and opened it..

His face morphed from surprise to a look of pure joy commonly found on small children.

"Whaaaaaaat!!" He squealed happily. "THIS IS GREAT!" He picked up some of the worms and proceeded to start naming them. Seeing him so happy made your heart practically melt.

Choosing to ignore the bubbly feeling in your chest, you forcibly wiped the grin off your face and walked over to him.

Kokichi turned his head, clutching a handfull of worms to his chest.
"Hey! hey! (Y/N)! Hey! Do you know who did this?" He asked

"No idea," you lied, fighting the smirk that was trying to claw its way onto your face.

"Oh reaalllyyy? I think you dooo! In fact, i think it was you!"

Man, he totally saw through me, not that i expected any less

"Maybe it was me" You answered

"Ohhh it's totally youu!! You're really easy to read, you know,"

"Maybe that's what I want you to think" You joked

"Anyway! I owe you now!"

"You do? Why is that?" You asked confused

"Well, you gave me a gift! It's been ageeesss since someone has done something nice for me" He cried "So! So! What do you want me to do!"

"Uhhhh, we could hang out later I guess?"

"That's it? Maann, I thought you were gonna force me to join your secret evil organisation or torture me for information!"

"You know about my secret evil organisation?" You said in mock distress.

"Oh yea!" He enthused "I know everything about you! Your adress, your social security number, your credit card information-"

"I don't even have a credit card-"

"Shush! Anyways, that was all a lie," He explained, crossing his arms behind his head "But about hanging out, could you possibly be asking me out on a date?"

Error 404, ability to socially interact not found

The look on your face must have totally given you away, as Kokichi's expression shifted to a shit eating grin.

"Ha! I knew it! I've totally stolen your heart!"

You responded in the only way you know how

"Y-yea? Well now you owe me twice as much!" You choked out

"Hmm, that is true..." He mused "Well, I supoose I can offer you my heart in return..."

"S-sure.. whatever..." You mumbled. You were NOT gonna let him know how excited you were about that.

"It's a deal then!" He chirped enthusiastically "Anyways, let's go, class is gonna start soon!" He grabbed your hand. It was small, soft, and fit perfectly in yours. You looked forward to holding it a lot more in the future.

A dumb Kokichi x reader oneshot I wroteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant