#6 Trash your ex's car

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TRASH YOUR EX'S CAR: Disclaimer before doing this: ITS YOUR CHOICE! but for me if you feel doing it then do it! let all of your anger out while trashing your ex car.

Before going to their exe's places they first bought a spray paint with different colors, tissue rolls and whatever they want to put.

They went for Jeongyeon's car first and before all of that both of them dressed like a spy just to cover up their faces. Nayeon wore sunglasses, Dahyun wore a mask (just to cover her mouth).

Jeongyeon's car was a black porsche 911.

"Wow what a nice car your girlfriend got... hey i think we should abort our mission-"

"I'm her ex so its my rules okay? if we'll trash her car then we trash it!!" Nayeon said with full of confidence.

Dahyun took Nayeon's phone and she started recording like a pro vlogger.

"So guys as you can see Nayeon here is uhmm trashing her girlfriend's expensive car"

Nayeon sprayed the word 'Cheater' then she put an XD beside it.

"Bloody hell if i was her ex i would be so damn angry about this" Nayeon just laughed.

Nayeon sprayed some random words and doodles and then she rolled some tissue rolls around it.

"Hey are you done? we might get caught here"

"And more sentence and I'm.... done!"

Dahyun read the words. "Happy anniversaSHIT? wait what?"

"Its supposed to be our 3rd anniversary today so yeah..." Nayeon said trying not to sound sad about it.

"Shit we have to run!"

So their next target is Mina's car. They went to Mina's place.

"Told you she doesn't have a car"

"Then what's that?" Nayeon pointed at something, Dahyun looked at that Direction. "Wow a grey audi looks nice to be trashed."

A grey audi parked infront of Mina's place, they wait for the driver to come out and yes it was Mina.

Well from the very start Dahyun knows Mina has a car.

when Mina entered her place they wait 5 more minutes before Dahyun will make her move. Nayeon took Dahyun's phone and she started recording. Dahyun started walking towards Mina's grey audi. (so Nayeon is filming from afar)

"As you can see guys Dahyun is about to start trashing her girlfriend's lovely car hahahaha"

Dahyun wasn't sure if she'd gonna do it but she wants to be fair with Nayeon. Dahyun doesn't know what's stopping her. She was about to spell the first word when-

"Oh shit" Nayeon said.


Dahyun got starled and she lost grip of the spray paint. "Shit Mina you scared me"

"Dahyun what are you doing here?" Mina asked with her soft voice.

"I don't know maybe..." Dahyun noticed the book that she's holding. "Nice book you've got there, have you read it already?"

"Yes of course and... oh i get it!" Mina said like she figured out something. "Seriously? you're doing step 6?"

"Oh well look how far i've come-"

"So you have someone new now? and you slept with that person? and maybe i guess... you both fucked already!"

"Hey hey hey stop-"


"you think I'm that dumb Mina?!" Dahyun is starting to get mad. "Mina.. you were kissing YOO JEONGYEON! YOO FUCKING JEONGYEON A.K.A YOUR FIRST EVER HIGHSCHOOL LOVE BUT SHE DIDN'T NOTICE YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE..." Dahyun couldn't continue the next word.

"introverted and quiet? yes. I know" 

"Mina this isn't the right time to talk about this i should just go..."

"Wait before you go i have a question"


"Do you know the author of this book?" Mina showed the book, Dahyun just laughed. "Why are you laughing?"

"Are you serious? how the hell would i know her."


"Mina" Mina looked at Dahyun while Dahyun couldn't look at her.

"Bye Mina i have to go now... see you at step 8 i guess..." Dahyun's last words before she run into Nayeon's direction.

"Shit Dahyun what the hell was that?"

"Nayeon i think we need to talk"


"So you're saying that Mina was that girl who i caught making out with Jeongyeon??"


"How sure are you?"

"Because duhh i was there."


Nayeon couldn't believe what Dahyun said. "Oh! so you were the one who knocked Jeongyeon down??"

"Yep." Nayeon was amazed and at the same time worried.

"Small world isn't it? cheers" Dahyun raised her glass waiting for Nayeon to raised hers too.

"Yeah. Cheers" they clink their glasses.

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