"Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you."

"Hold on," you tell them. "I recognize this."

Thunder rumbles and lightning flashes. "Where's this coming from?" Natasha thinks aloud.

Loki leans forward and looks toward the ceiling, listening intently. "What's the matter? Are you scared of a little lightning?" Steve asks him.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows," Loki answers before returning his gaze to the windows.

Steve and Tony look at each other in confusion before looking at you. "You got any idea what he's talking about?" Tony asks.

Before you can answer, Thor lands on top of the quinjet, causing it to shake. Tony puts his helmet back on and opens the rear hatch. You hurriedly grab onto the side railing as he does so. "What are you doing?" you and Steve shout at Tony in unison. Probably a good idea if I seem a little confused.

Tony doesn't bother to answer. In a second, Thor jumps on the ramp. Tony raises his hand and charges his blaster, but Thor slams his hammer into Tony's chest. Tony is knocked back, toppling himself, you, and Steve to the floor. While you, Steve, and Tony struggle to stand, Thor roughly grabs Loki and drags him out of the quinjet.

"And now there's that guy," Tony complains as Steve helps you up, worrying himself over any injuries you could have gotten.

"Another Asgardian?" Natasha shouts over her shoulder.

"That guy's a friendly?" Steve asks.

"Doesn't matter," Tony asserts. "If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost."

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!"

"I have a plan: attack."

"Wait, Stark!" you shout. He doesn't listen and flies out. You sigh in frustration. "No one can be bothered to listen to the psychic!" Before you know it, Steve is putting a parachute on.

"I'd sit this one out, Cap," Natasha says.

"I don't see how I can."

"These guys come from legend. They're basically gods," Natasha insists.

"There's only one God, ma'am. And I'm pretty sure He doesn't dress like that."

"At least listen to the psychic on this!" you say.

"Anything I should know?"

"The blond is Loki's brother. Long story short, they don't get along, and he doesn't want Loki screwing with Earth or the Tesseract."

"So he could be an ally?"

"Yeah, he only attacked to get Loki so he could find the Tesseract himself. He doesn't know who any of us are."

"Thank you, [Y/N]," Steve says sincerely. "I'll keep that in mind." He turns around and jumps out of the quinjet.

You close the hatch and walk shakily to Natasha. "Can we see them?"

"No, there's too many trees in the way. Can you see them?"

"Maybe. I don't know. This doesn't work often, I don't know why." You sit down and feign deep concentration. "I'm seeing flashes. Loki and his brother, Thor. On a cliff. Thor demands Loki give up the Cube. Stark flies into Thor. Thor says Loki will face Asgardian justice. Tony says once we get the Tesseract, Asgard can have Loki. And they're fighting again." You sigh. "They'll probably do that for a while."

"What's it like, these flashes?" Natasha asks curiously.

"They're brief. A little visual, one or two lines of dialogue. It's no 3D movie either. It's always blurry or not lighted well or something on those lines. I do better with the future or past than the present, because it's still forming as I watch it. I've tried looking a few seconds into the future, but I guess I need to look farther than that for a clearer picture," you lie. You and Natasha wait as Thor and Tony fight. A lightning bolt soars from the ground into the sky. "Guess who we found."

"Too forested for us to land," Natasha says.

"Stay here, don't look for a landing zone," you say. "They're a ways off now, fighting. Steve just found them. Telling Thor and Stark to stop. Thor seems threatened. He's about to hit Steve with his hammer, but Steve has his shield. Five, four, three, two, one." When you reach the end of your countdown, there's a loud crash as several trees go tumbling. "Found them again. Think you can land there?"

"How did you-"

"I got tired of watching Stark and Thor fight, so I skipped ahead."

The quinjet lands as the three stand. "Are we done here?" You don't hear Steve say it, but you know he is saying it as you open the hatch.

"Yes, you are done. Someone go get Loki and get him on the jet," you say.

"How did you know his question?" Thor asks.

"I'll explain later. Go get your brother," you say. Thor flies without a word to go grab Loki.

"You had good luck with him," Tony remarks.

"I've got good intuition. Get on."

They stop wasting time and get on the jet. Soon, Thor is pushing Loki on too. Once everyone is on board, the quinjet leaves once again, Natasha radioing Fury to tell him what on Earth happened. Once again, Loki is sitting, and you, Steve, Tony, with the addition of Thor, are standing, occasionally glancing at Loki. You occasionally feel Loki watching you. Introductions go around. When Thor gets to you, he asks you lots of questions about you being a psychic. You explain "truthfully." He also asks how you and the others got wrapped up with what's happening, and everyone explains. When he hears your story, he glares at Loki before saying he doesn't know how you could've ended up at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Everyone falls silent after that. You sit down on the farthest seat from Loki, head hurting. I'm just dehydrated. I'll drink and take some tylenol when we get on the carrier. You rest against the wall, tired. You hear Thor walk toward Loki and Steve in front of you, Tony in between them. A barrier between you and Loki. You silently thank them for standing between you and the guy who attempted to kidnap you.

A few minutes later, you hear Loki sigh in a small amount of pain. "I take it you have a purpose behind that," you hear him mutter to Thor.

"Just because you're trying to conquer this world doesn't mean you have to be impolite."

"I don't follow."

"You should know not to stare at fair maidens." You feel your face heating up. You never expected the fictional embodiment of Chris Hemsworth to say anything like that about you. Yes, he didn't say it directly to you, but still.

"I don't have any of those intentions. I just happen to have no idea how she escaped me."

"Still impolite." You continue to blush, turning away from them.

"Look who's being impolite now. I doubt she appreciates this conversation." Thor doesn't respond afterwards.

A few minutes later, the quinjet lands on the helicarrier. A squadron of guards are there to escort Loki to his cell. You and the others head inside, done with that adventure. 

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