Billy hargrove

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"Not a chance"
By fanficmarvelchick

He told himself he'd never go after you. As soon as he arrived in this shit town he knew he was not good for you. He'd avoid you at every chance, you'd smile at him when you walked pass him in the hall and he'd quickly look away. You'd offer him a pencil in class and he felt himself blush, he'd later cuss himself out for acting like a dumbass.
He'd watch you from across the room, a beaming smile on your face and a skip in your step. You always looked so optimistic and he'd remind himself of how different you two were. That there was no chance in hell you'd ever get together. He'd avoid you forever and that was that.
Of course, the world was not on his side as he'd arrive to work and find out the new trainee was you, of all the people in the world. He chuckled to himself at the irony and apparent fate bestowed upon him.
You showed up with that same old joyful personality and the manager decides Billy will be the one to train you. It wasn't a surprise since the manager truly was a lazy piece of shit.
He couldn't believe how excited you were, he'd teach you the basics of how to clean up the locker rooms and you'd be genuinely interested in the things he had to say. You were happy to learn from him and that truly was new to him.
He felt himself finally cave at work, you'd talk to him every time you saw him. Asking him little questions about himself and for the first time he noticed someone actually take interest in him besides the hot mums gawking at him on the side of the pool.
The two of you found yourselves talking about your favourite music and bands. You laughed at him when he said his favourite band was Led Zeppelin, telling him that was definitely no surprise. He'd laugh at how all over the place you were, swooning over the latest rom-com yet itching to go see 'The Terminator'.
He felt himself getting invested in you, asking about your life and what you wanted to do when you left this lousy little town. He couldn't help himself watch you drawing little sketches during your break and on the side of your notebooks in class.
The first time the two of you hung out outside of work or school, you both swore to yourselves that it wasn't a date. You'd asked him to go to the movies with you, obviously to see 'The Terminator', and when you shared a bucket of popcorn and a drink he tried so hard to think nothing of it. There wasn't a chance in hell he was going to ruin this friendship, it was the first genuine one he could ever recall having.
He listened to you rant about the film on the hood of his car after you'd seen it. Taking about all the moments that had your heart racing and how excited you were. He discovered how much of a fan you were of any action film after the 1970's and found it amusing that your top favourite films were 'Grease' and apparently this one (though he felt it might've been too soon to say).
The two of you became inseparable. You'd hang out at school, work, and even after. You couldn't think of anyone else you saw this often and no part of you would change it.
You knew he wasn't just some dickhead. Every girl at school told you to stay away, that he'd find a way to break your heart someday. Luckily for you, you'd never listened to the common rumour. You knew his reputation for being a "stud muffin" and an asshole, but the truth is he'd never once been that to you. Around you he felt like a different person, more relaxed and even potentially happy.
The first time he yelled at you was something he wished he could take back.
You'd shown up to surprise him at his house and as you sat in the car, you could hear the yelling and screaming from inside. You could hear his father calling him a worthless piece of shit, telling him he wished he were never born.
For the first time you felt some kind of rage inside you. What kind of asshole says these things to his own son?
Billy had never told you about his home life, always avoiding the subject and directing it your way instead. Now you knew why. It also became clear to you why he acted so tough at school.
Your heart sank when you saw him walk out that door, a bruise spread across his left cheek one. Your knuckles turned white as you closed your fist and looked up at him from the window. As his eyes locked yours, he felt a surge of embarrassment through him. He told you to go away, to get the hell away from him as he stormed towards his car.
That night you tossed and turned, thinking about him and how you couldn't believe what he was going through. How badly you wanted to help him.
A tap at the window broke your train of thought before you walked over, opening it and looking down at a red faced and stressed out Billy.
"Can we talk?" He asked quietly, careful to not wake any sleeping family members.
When he got in, he finally caved. He told you everything. About how his mother left him to a man you screamed at him and abused him. About how he'd take out his anger on his only son without a single regret. Your heart broke at his words.
You watched him stare down at his shaking fingers, your hand reached out to grab his and your fingers intertwined as you listened to him speak. He told you he was afraid you'd never speak to him if you knew, that you wouldn't want to be his friend.
"Nothing could keep me away from you..." you replied quietly, avoiding eye contact. Knowing that those words held meaning.
In that moment Billy realised how much he needed you in his life. How he had to hold on to the one good thing he had and how he wouldn't ruin it.
This was why he pulled away. Why when you leaned in and gripped his hand, he knew he couldn't ruin what you had. Though he wanted so bad to be with you, wanted to hold you and kiss you, he knew he couldn't. He'd never be able to be what you needed, he could never be the man you deserved.
You'd still spend everyday together and every so often he'd spend the night, though he'd insist on sleeping on floor, refusing to take any chances. You'd sign to yourself, wondering why he so badly wanted to avoid you.
The man that has women flicking towards him would never want you, and that truly did make you feel worthless. But you knew you wanted him in your life and if it was only going to be friendship then you'd find a way for that to be enough.
In Gym class he'd pick you up and throw you over his shoulder to stop you from getting that damn basketball. In Math he'd throw tiny pieces of paper your way with distracting notes. In English he'd make jokes and mimic the teacher, watching you try so hard to not laugh. He loved how much of a goody two shoes you were and how the two of you truly did make the strangest pair.
Your friends told you to stay away from him almost daily. Even if you wanted to you couldn't. You were drawn to him. And no matter how many times they told you he was a made guy, you couldn't stay away.
He'd pick you up in the morning for school and blast your favourite music, he even made you a mixtape once, just like good friends do, right?
When you were with him, you stomach began to flutter, your heart raced, you knew you were in deep shit with this one.
You'd never gotten close enough to anyone before for this to even be a possibility. You'd never really been in a relationship ever though you did have a 1 second kiss with a boy in the playground in the second grade... which totally counted for something.
You felt yourself beginning to lose it, you'd hang out with him all day and go home thinking about him all night.
You were lying on your bed, teary eyes staring up at the ceiling thinking about how you'd never have a chance. About how he pulled away from you when you'd thought he wouldn't pull away from anyone let alone you.
You heard the tap at the window and quickly wiped your eyes, but it was written all over your face.
"What's wrong? Do I need to punch someone?" He asked, jokingly but with a hint of seriousness.
You laughed him off for a second before you looked into his gentle eyes. You couldn't stop yourself. You spilled. You told him how you felt about him, how you knew he didn't feel the same way and how you were okay with that, but you had to tell him anyway. You told him you cared about him so damn much sometimes it made you chest hurt.
He stood still, shocked as the words came spilling out of your mouth. Whilst you kept talking he said to himself... 'fuck it'.
His hands moved quickly to the side of your face, softly cupping your cheeks before he leaned in, lips pressing firmly against yours, taking the breath away from you.
His hand slid to the back of your neck, fingers intertwining with your hair and the kiss deepened, his tongue sliding gently against yours.
Your heart was beating so fast you thought it might jump out of your chest.
When the two of you parted, he let out a chuckle and watched a smile spread across your cheeks. Your foreheads pressed against each other as his hands slid to hold your waist, pressing you firmly against him.
"Do you wanna share the bed this time?" You asked, to which he let out a laugh and leaned in to kiss you one more time. God, you could stay like this forever.

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