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Welcome back, and if you're new, welcome! *Hugs all of you*
Most of this is the same as before, but here we go!

1. I've watched most of the Marvel movies by now, but like everyone, I miss facts so I might be wrong on somethings. Or I'm just completely throwing canon out the window. Depends. *shrugs*

2. This is a IronWidow shipping. Just warning you. These may not seem completely in character, but I have tried.

3. This is a sequel to my book IronWidow and Spiderson! Please go read that first if you want background and more crazy oneshots!

4. I really hope you enjoy these stories and just to be clear, these are completely my own, but if you have any concerns, please contact me.

5. Peter is dating Cassie Lang. Their ship name is Casper (it doesn't really work but oh well) and I will go down with this ship! Sorry MjxPeter, but I LOVE PETER AND CASSIE!

6. The timeline for this is like way off. Pete is their son for one thing, and Ultron, Civil War, and the terrible awful grape never happened and existed. There's some angst, but overall fluff. The other Avengers will be in this and they're all one big family!

7. Updates will be spotty, so you might not hear from me for like forever. I will be updating this book on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and I might just not update at all, but if I do, it will be on those days. And I'm not good at sticking to my own schedule, so this may or may not be true

8. Please feel free to message me some ideas! Most of these storylines are not completely new, but they're fun to write! I'm always trying to work on new stuff, but requests are always welcome! If you would like me to tag you, please mention that also!

9. Please go check out my other book When the War Dies Down! It is basically an alternative timeline where the Civil War and Thanos happen. (The big fat grape). It is completely Team Tony, so if you don't like Tony, don't go read it. Actually, I don't know why you'd even read this book, but, idk.

10. Under MAJOR editing because I'm a terrible editor and notice things randomly. I'm not planning on adding anything to the stories, but I might, so if you're a re reader don't freak out! And thank you for the rereads!

My "beta" reader is Eylle9 who is amazing and deserves all the love ❤️

Welcome and enjoy!

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