Giving Up

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-1 Year Later-


I eventually gave up on my soulmate because no matter how much I looked, I couldn't find him.

Kirishima POV

I looked down as all the couples around me had invaded the place I could usually be alone. I turned 16 last year, so where was my soulmate? My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Tamaki: Fat Gum has found a villain we've been tracking, and it's heading straight for Saitama (where you live).

Kirishima: I'll be right over.

I packed up my hero costume and got ready for the road ahead.

-The Next Day-


At school, my friends were harassing me about my soulmate.

Hinata said, "You should find him!"

And from Akari, "Why haven't you found him yet?"

I sighed and said, "I gave up on my soulmate a long time ago. I couldn't find him."

They grunted in disappointment.

The loud speaker beeped and announced, "We are under attack. Please go into shut down mode C."

We all rushed to our assigned shelter spots as we heard a loud CRASH! outside the school. When it was over, I peaked outside, expecting to see heroes. Instead, I saw two teenagers, and... I fell back onto the ground. I felt that feeling again. The tugging on my pinky finger. My heart flourished as I glanced out the window to see my soulmate, there, right outside. All I could see was spiked red hair and his tattered hero costume with a big letter "R" right in the center of his belt. I wanted to race down there and hold him in my arms, but I knew I couldn't. The speaker beeped again and gave the all clear signal to start classes back up. I glanced out the window to see him again, but he was gone. And that was the last time I saw him... Until...


Hi guys. This one was... Sort of longer, haha. I hope you enjoyed it and look forward to the next chapter!

A String of Doubt {Oneshot}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ