Chapter 16

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I growled in pain as the hand grenade exploded and I landed on my back, I couldn't hear anything, nothing but that constant ringing as smoke covers the room and I closed my eyes and darkness consumed me.

Chris POV

"Poor performance Chris" Wesker comments.

"Wesker! Let Y/N go!" I yelled.

I watched as Wesker walks to Y/N, her body layed still. I hope she is alive. Her body faced away from me but her hand reaches out to me, asking me to take her hand and pulled her out of this mess. Wesker crouches down and picks her up.

"I swear! When I break free, I'm going to kill you!" I yelled and watched as he took Y/N away.

Sebastian stepped out the shadows and stopped Wesker. Wesker placed Y/N down and he fought with Sebastian, usually I'd wouldn't be surprised if Wesker just ripped someones head off but now, this is new because Sebastian stood his ground and last longer than anyone that fought Wesker. Wesker may be fast but Sebastian knew how to dodge and attack Wesker. After sometime, Wesker managed to get Sebastian to the ground.

"Any last words?" Wesker asks.

"Yeah, fuck you!" Sebastian spat at Wesker.

"You'll die a fool. You're lucky your daughter doesn't have to see her father die" Wesker responds.

Wesker raises his fist and through his shades, you could see his red eyes, Wesker has a familiar evil smirk. I guess Sebastian knew it was the end of him because he was ready to die, ready to let go.

"Wait! Stop!" A voice yelled, causing everyone to stop and look around even Wesker looked around.

Y/N reached out to her father as she had blood down her head. Wesker looks at her then smiles evilly, Sebastian looked at her, his cover slightly covering his face.

"Look away Y/N" Sebastian said.

"No, I suggest she watch you die" Wesker speaks.

Y/N has a twisted expression as she looks at Wesker, she slowly stood to her feet. She walks closer to Sebastian but Wesker pushes her down again.

"Stay" He said.

Wesker turns to Sebastian but Y/N kicks Wesker in his face and he got off Sebastian. Wesker stood up again, holding his jaw as he puts it in place again.

"Not bad" Wesker comments.

"Come on, I have more where that came from"

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