Chapter 15

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We made our way to like a huge room. Chris and his team along with Leon and Connor searched for my dad but at the same time, avoid anything that looks like one of Wesker's traps. I have noticed his team, occasionally look over to me, not to check on me nor check me out but I noticed they have like a shocked look.

Why are they shocked? It doesn't make sense. Then again, does anything Umbrella do make sense.

I looked over to Chris, he looks focused, determined to bring Wesker down but I know he is upset. With Wesker? Maybe. With me? Yes, definitely. He is upset I fought with Wesker but if only he would understand then maybe he won't be upset but fuck it, its life or death now.

I noticed from the corner of my eye, something bright. I looked to it but it lays in a dark area of the room, I debated whether I should or shouldn't go to it. After a while, I gathered my courage and walked to it, the closer I got the more blurry my vision became and the world started spinning around me.

Sweat falls from my forehead and I begin to get tired, my legs got weak and I breathed heavier. Once I got close enough, I could see it was a bomb but before it exploded, I felt pressure on my shoulder. I turned around and looked at the figure in front of me, it was Chris, my eyes looks around the room.

"Come on, don't stop walking" Chris says, walking away.

I blinked multiple times, thinking of that small vision and Chris. His voice is deep but gentle and that would turn on any girl but then again, he could be in a relationship.

I sighed softly and followed him and his team. Hopefully, we find my dad and we get the fuck outta, I don't like this place.

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