Zayn pushed him off and rose to stand, grabbing his boxers from the floor and pulling them on before hurrying to the mirror above the dresser so that he could see what had caused Liam's sudden change in mood. A quick glance revealed half a dozen angry red marks on his throat, starting just below his left ear and trailing down to his collarbone.

"What. The. Fuck," he growled, poking at the largest of the marks and wincing at the sting. "I haven't had a hickey since high school and you decide to do this, on today of all days?"

Liam sat up, looking contrite. "I didn't know then that today was going to be the day," he reminded Zayn as he stood and started towards him. "I guess I just got a little carried away."

"A little?" Zayn asked, turning to face the mirror and gesturing to his neck. "I look like I was mauled by a bear!"

Liam reached him, his hand finding Zayn's chin and forcing him to look at him. "Would it help," he murmured, leaning forward to kiss Zayn's cheek, "if I said that I was very," a kiss on his other cheek, "very sorry?" he asked, placing a kiss on the tip of Zayn's nose before stepping back, not looking sorry at all.

Zayn closed his eyes, willing his anger away. He couldn't really blame Liam for not having been able to control himself, since his own self-restraint was pushed to the limit every time he was around him. "It's- it's fine. Do you have like, a turtleneck or something I can wear?"

Liam shrugged a shoulder as he thought about it. "I think I have a bandana? You could wrap it around your neck," he suggested.

Zayn rolled his eyes. "Do I look like a fucking cowboy, Liam? You got some assless chaps for me too?"

Liam grinned, knocking Zayn out of the way with a light shove so that he could get to his dresser. "Just wear this," he said, pulling out a hooded sweatshirt and handing it to him. "It should cover most of them, and you can wear a scarf to hide the rest. Just means you'll have to keep your coat on, I guess. No breakup sex for you," he added, looking pretty pleased with himself over this guarantee.

Zayn huffed, grabbing the sweatshirt and a clean pair of boxers and jeans before stomping into the bathroom. He showered quickly, then dressed and made his way into the kitchen. "Oh, thank god," he said as Liam handed him a cup of coffee as he passed.

"Please, just call me Liam," he told him solemnly.

Zayn groaned at the dumb joke, staring Liam down, but Liam just smiled in return, and he couldn't help but smile back when he took a sip of his coffee and discovered that it was nice and sweet, just the way he liked it. He set the mug down on the counter so that he could grab the lunches he'd packed for the girls the night before from the fridge, then sat down at the table with a napkin and pen and started sketching a quick doodle for Safaa. She came into the room just as he was putting it into her lunch box, her skirt tucked halfway into her tights and her hair sticking out in a million different directions. 

He fixed her skirt as she climbed up onto a chair, then took the comb she handed him and began brushing her hair.

"Morning, Saf," Liam said as he placed a bowl of cereal in front on her.

"Morning, Liam," she said from behind a yawn, dropping her head onto an arm that was stretched out on the table.

"You gotta hold still for me," Zayn reminded her. He was trying to french braid her hair, but it was difficult, what with her head lolling around. Liam wasn't helping his concentration, leaning over the counter and swaying his hips from side to side as he looked over his shoulder at Zayn.

"Is that really necessary?" Zayn asked him, not bothering to take the comb out from between his teeth.

Liam feigned surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry. Is my cute butt distracting you?" he asked, wiggling it further to make Safaa to giggle.

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